[center][b]Miles[/b][/center] Miles walked into the cafeteria, as some girl ran out, with a smile on his face. He looked around at the other students walking around mingling and getting breakfast. Morning was his favorite time of day, other than having to see the dull lives of all the boring kids that got to his school, he liked the food that came in the morning and how good he looked so early in the day. To Miles there was just something about the beauty of the morning. He sat down with his food and started to eat slowly as he checked his phone. [center][b]Tommy & Shawn[/b][/center] Tommy walked down a path with his best friend Shawn at his side. As usual he got annoyed because some girls were snickering about his height. He he had a bit of a complex when it came to his height and he hated it when people looked at him funny or called him out on it. "Ugh! Shawn why do people have to be stupid? Why can't everyone be short like me then the world would spin round all nice and perfect". He said with a sigh. Shawn was one of his only friends simply because he did not judge and even if he did, Shawn did not talk enough to share his thoughts. Shawn felt the same about Tommy. His loud mouth and aggressive nature attracted Shawn like a moth to a flame. He loves being around Tommy and getting in the fights and trouble that they did. As they walked they saw the infamous three: Charlie, Greg, Severus pulling some prank on a girl. Tommy despised the three, simply because of how they treated others and the mischief they caused. When Shawn saw them he knew that this quiet morning was about to get more livelier. Tommy got red in the face when he saw the fake spider and the girl. "Hey!! Watch doin Greg!? Messing with some innocent girl." [@Rex]