[hider=Hades] [center] [h1]Hades/Pluto[/h1] Full Name: [b]Hades[/b] Nickname: Pluto, Dis Pater, Orcus, Plouton, God of Wealth Age: Appears to be in his early 30s Gender: Male Race: God Pantheon: Greek/Roman Weapon(s): Pitchfork, Helm of Hades, Claws of Hades Powers: Invisibility, Shapeshifting, Necromancy, Pyrokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Regeneration, Telekinesis, Teleportation Appearance: [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/08ad/f/2014/027/3/c/hades____by_saraforlenza-d73z6e9.jpg[/img] [hider=Real Appearance] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11111/111117347/3649452-0555419086-Hades.jpg[/img] [/hider] Likes: Money, Death, Rightful Punishment, Striking Bargains, Being Left alone, Narcissus, Cypress, hounds, thwarting the plots of men and gods, getting back at his brothers Dislikes: Other gods, losing, not being able to have the last "laugh", giving things away, people challenging the claim on his wife, Gods, humans Strengths: Strategy, funding, hand-to-hand combat, dark magics, playing tricks, granting "wishes" Weaknesses: His Wife, Persephone Quirks: "For even bold natures flee, when they see Hades close to life." Fears: The loss of his, he ruin of the underworld, losing what he already has, being humiliated more than he already has Ambition: Being accepted by the Olympians, the over throwing of his brothers, the downfall of man, to make his wife the absolute queen Personality: Unlike his brother Zeus and many of the other Gods, Hades is mostly unconcerned with the affairs of the mortal realm, preferring to focus his energies on the Underworld. He is, however, quick to anger if someone crosses him or his family, which makes him an enemy of most of the other pantheons. He also appears to deeply care for Persephone. Hades has a sinister and sadistic, mock-playful humor, evident in the way he taunts and intimidates his victums throughout the Underworld. This is similar to the mythological Hades, who often gave out ironic punishments to particularly unfortunate souls. He also appears to be a masochist, as seen when he fought the titans, he claimed to enjoy the pain. But when Hades is not a evil demented bastard, he does have a wise and elderly side to him that most fathers would. When people please him he can be see in this state. The only person who is know to have seen his real smile is Persephone. Father: Cronos Mother: Rhea Siblings: Zeus Poseidon Pets: Cerberus Furies Hell Hounds Demons Monsters of the underworld History: Hades was the ancient Greek god of the Underworld he brother of Zeus, but his name was shared with the abode of the dead. In Greek Mythology, Hades was the first son and fourth child of Cronos and Rhea. According to myth, he and his younger brother Zeus and his younger brother Poseidon defeated the Titans in battle and took over rulership of the cosmos; ruling the Underworld, Sky, and Sea, respectively; the solid earth, the long province of Gaia, was available to all three concurrently. He was also called "Plouton" (Greek: meaning "Rich One"), a name which the Romans Latinized as Pluto. The Romans would associate Hades/Pluto with their own chthonic gods, Dis Pater and Orcus. The corresponding Etruscan gods was Aita. Symbols associated with him are the Helm of Darkness and the three-headed dog, Cerberus. [/center] [/hider] [@LadyRunic] hows this look