(OOC: I don't like this pic. I looked for concept art but couldn't find anything I liked. You might want to [i]not[/i] quote his appearance in your posts as I am still looking for a picture.) [img]http://www.webwombat.com.au/entertainment/movies/images/traitor-1.jpg[/img] [B]Greg Roberts[/b] [list] [*]Age: 35. [*]Height: 5'11" [*]Weight: 215#; solidly built. [*]Hair: Brunette, cut short. [*]Eyes: Deep blue. [/list] [B]PERSONAL BACKGROUND:[/b] [list] [*]Unmarried. Childless. Currently dating but not seriously. [*]Shares a rather nice apartment in downtown with an FBI analyst with whom he sometimes [i]dirties the sheets[/i] for stress relief. [*]Happy with his job, though he wishes he could accomplish more. [*]Often feels as though Capital City's [i]Elites[/i] get away with a lot. [/list] [b]HISTORY:[/b] [B]1981:[/b] Born (Denver, Colorado). [list] [*]Grew up on a ranch, where he learned hunting and a respect for law and order. [*]Parents were down-to-earth, stay-at-home types. His Father left Colorado only twice, to purchase stock animals in Wyoming; and his Mother left the county only once -- two years ago -- to be admitted to a cancer treatment institute in Chicago, where she died exactly 1 year later. [*]Three siblings, to be discussed later. [/list] [B]2001: Age 20[/b] [list] [*]Two days after 9-11, Greg applied to join the FBI. He was accepted. [*]He performed well, and after graduation joined an anti-terrorism unit based in Afghanistan. [/list] [b]2005: Age 24[/b] [list] [*]Transferred to post-invasion Iraq. [*]Became quickly disillusioned with the FBI's duties there. [*]Felt that the anti-terror campaign had mutated to become a tool of money and politics. [*]After he got into a fire fight with Private Security International personnel, killing four and injuring three before collapsing from his own gun shot wounds, he spent a year in one hospital after another, recuperating. [/list] [b]2008: Age 27:[/b] [list] [*]He asked for and received a transfer to Major Crimes in Capital City. [*]He has been there ever since. [/list]