[hider= Characters x2] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6e/c8/62/6ec862fdd86fb0a2db4c8c385e39bb1b.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Jacob Marx[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]18[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/I] [b]Birthplace:[/b] [i]East Coast America (Pennsylvania)[/i] [b]Normal Appearance:[/b] [i]Standing roughly at 6ft in height, Jake is a bit scrawnier than his peers. Weighing in at a meek 150lbs there is hardly anything that resembles muscle on his body... This, however, can be quite decieving. Jacob's strength is in his legs, hidden from immediate view. He also tends to hide behind jeans and baggy sweaters, and can hardly be found without his glasses. Adding to his unkempt look is a head full of short, jet black hair that always looks like he just woke up from a nap, and dull brown eyes that seem to devour any light that touches them. Forever the mystery, no matter how much time he spends in the sun, Jacob's skin always remains a frightening pale white (he takes after his Irish mother). [/i] [b]Post Soul Link:[/b] [i]It probably doesn't come as much of a suprise to anyone that Jacob's appearance doesn't change all that drastically post Soul Link. His eyes shift from their dull brown to a bright glowing blue and his dark hair develops a white ring that spands around the diameter of his head (Korrin's Halo as he calls it).[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Jacob pretty much keeps to himself if he can help it, usually interacting with others only if they interact with him first and going out of his way to avoid noisy people in general. Shyness aside, Jake is a pretty sweet guy if you spend the time to get to know him. He remembers all your favorite things and loves nothing more than to make you laugh, however going out of his way to start a conversation with someone new can be a little on the nail-biting side for him. After meeting Korrin, Jake has learned to open up a little. He still jumps at loud noises but he's begun making eye contact with those he speaks with, and slowly but surely is working toward initiating conversations rather than just reacting to them. Despite his love for knoweledge and the collection of intellect, Jacob isn't all that great of a strategist. His body has an incredibly fast response time, but for the most part he's following the directions given to him by another person... In his case usually Korrin's advice. Not having many friends to call his own, Jacob can be very over-protective over the ones he does have, a strange sight to those used to the docile wimp. Upset this guy and you very well may regret it.[/i] [b]Other: [/b] [i]Loves music and will listen to anything but Country or Screamo.[/i] -Guardian- [img]http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/c619977dfb51a/52712337_435x636.jpeg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] [i]Korrin[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://orig12.deviantart.net/7583/f/2010/234/5/3/53bc44454fecd91073ccca390bbaa47e.jpg](Butterfly form)[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Korrin takes the form of a translucent, humanoid sprite. Pale from head to toe, the girl has snow white hair, skin, and (for the most part) clothing. Her eyes are a sharp, crystal blue that seem fierce and kind all at the same time. Her clothes, much like the rest of her, often seems to be made out of mist at times... Sprouting from her back are a pair of decorative wings that take the appearance of tree branches in the midst of winter. When "resting" the bottom portions of Korrin's legs will disappear, leaving her floating in the air like a ghost, however they reconstruct themselves when she becomes "active", as they are necessary to her fighting style.[/i] [b]Class:[/b] [i]Combat[/i] [b]Fighting style: [/b] [i]"Hand-to-Hand": Korrin will get up close and personal with an opponent during a fight, but to say hand-to-hand combat is her specialty isn't quite accurate. Quite nimble and acrobatic, Korrin attacks using her legs and defends with her arms finding new a creative ways to kick butt.[/i] [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]N/A[/i] [b]Magic: [/b] [i]Ice[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Korrin's core belief is that all things in this universe are connected and must in turn work in harmony with one another, each serving their own purpose with the gifts they have been given. Always encouraging, Korrin acts almost like a mom of sorts, but their bond runs much deeper than that. As kind as she is though, she is quite fierce when it comes to her charge. Any ill word or action against her beloved Jacob, and you will feel how cold ice can truly be. [/i] [/center] [center][img]http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/01125/18466923.jpeg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Maria Desrosiers (Day-rosey-ay)[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Female[/I] [b]Birthplace:[/b] [i]Paris, France[/i] [b]Normal Appearance:[/b] [i]5'7" and 157lbs, Maria could easily work as a model if she wanted to but don't let this sweet, strawberry blonde fool you. She works just as hard as the next girl to maintain her figure. She inherited her sun kissed complexion from the Mediterranean ancestors on her Mother's side, but her light blue eyes and hair are from the French heritage on her Father's. She usually prefers to wear frilly dresses and other such stylish clothing, but secretly is just as willing to slum it with more "punk" styled outfits. Either way, everything about her screams sweet girl next door, down to the very nail polish she wears. Catch her when she's by herself, though, and you'll hardly recognize her beneath the messy hair, disheveled clothing and let's not forget the giant camera blocking your view of her face. [/i] [b]Post Soul Link:[/b] [i]Like a peacock strutting about, Maria and Polaris' Soul Link can be quite the dramatic display... Flashy to say the least, every cell in Maria's body comes alive with energy. Her hair will seem to sway about in an unseen wind, visibly sparking with static electricity. The white of her eyes will [url=http://img07.deviantart.net/b80d/i/2008/197/7/a/demon_eye_by_darkstar797.jpg]darken[/url] to a near black state, making the light blue irises pop even more. On her biceps, wrists, thighs and ankles black tribal markings will appear (depending on Polaris' mood may be centered around a zig-zag or a spiral design). And as if that weren't enough, Maria sprouts a pair of glorious yellow wings that are 15% functional and 185% ego.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]In general Maria is a social butterfly, talks to everyone and is well known for being sweet. But like a lot of people, she tends to tone herself down for other people. All her life Maria has been a fan of adventures and getting down and dirty with the boys... which ended up with her mother scolding her all the time for not being more feminine. To "protect her image" Maria began following her mother's advice; wearing cute clothing, finding respectable hobbies, and most of all being exclusive about her choices in friends. While the clothing choices rubbed off on her, Maria hated having to hide her true passions so she made the decision that she was going to do what she wanted instead (thus for the first time getting her to notice the damn butterfly you couldn't miss even if you were blind). Bit by bit she's worked more and more of her boldness into her public persona, however she hasn't quite gotten to the point where she can just not care about others opinions of her.[/i] [b]Other: [/b] [i]Enjoys running or jogging through the woods and is an avid photographer. Her camera is never far but rarely takes it out around people she knows.[/i] -Guardian- [img]http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/scary-pokemon-zapados.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] [i]Polaris[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://pic.uuhy.com/uploads/2011/10/08/abstract-yellow.jpg](Butterfly form)[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Polaris has dubbed himself as THE Thunderbird (though whether that's his ego talking is unclear) of his realm. Boasting or bluffing aside, Polaris takes the form of a fierce bird of prey whose height has him tower effortlessly over other humans. His feathers are a dark yellow that, in the right lighting, can look black and are often accented by small spurts of electricity generated when he moves. A lover of speed and punctuality, Polaris will move from place to place on electrical currents, or simply zapping across a room in the form of his own lightening bolt. On rare occasions though, especially if he or Maria has a point to make, he will walk behind her menacingly, puffing his chest and wings out proudly. His eyes glow a ghastly tealish color that remain intense regardless of the amount of light around him.[/i] [b]Class:[/b] [i]Weapon[/i] [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Primary: [url=http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/TS-DRANAGINATA22_540.jpg]Single-Bladed Japanese Style Polearm[/url] Secondary: [url=http://www.collectarea.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/139.1.jpg]Curved Blade Dagger[/url][/i] (It's gold only in color, not metal. Modeled to look like Polaris' talon) [b]Magic: [/b] [i]Electricity[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]If Polaris could be described in one word, it would be proud. If he could be summed up using a second, it would definitely be cocky. One of your more serious characters, this guy doesn't really know how to take a joke and wears a permanent frown. He prides himself the most on appearances, mostly those that give off vibes of power and dominance. He has a soft spot for Maria but only ever shows it through tough love. It's not all that surprising that Polaris would be quick to anger, seeing as he overreacts to even the slightest of possible insults. There's not too much to worry about if you're not an enemy though, as Maria reigns Polaris in as much as he pushes her to be her best. Fun fact about Big Bird, his standing at full height is a sign that he deems you as beneath him, but if he stoops down to your general eye level, you hold his respect.[/i] [/center][/hider]