"I still find it amazing that you could do that ... carry me all that way, I mean." Lana listened to Greg's comments about her obvious appearance and unexpected strength. They didn't surprise her. And she didn't take them as chauvinistic, so they didn't offend her in anyway. What [i]did[/i] surprise Lana was the hungry look in Greg's eyes as he looked over her figure. She tried to suppress her pleased smirk but failed miserably. Lana liked being looked at. She knew she looked good. Over her life, Lana's shapely figure had gained her a great many things (tangible and intangible both) that her other abilities hadn't. She'd never hesitated to use her [i]feminine wiles[/i] if it was the fastest, easiest way to get what she wanted. Lana had dressed for her attempted escape from Capital City very much as she dressed on any other casual day with no great plans. A long, loose fitting blouse with a deep "V" neck showed off the cleavage of her C-cups, boosted by a black lacy bra. The tail of the shirt barely hid the firm, muscular buttocks accentuated by her [url=http://img08.deviantart.net/3e03/i/2014/151/b/4/seductive_thief_by_trdaz-d7kftjc.png]tight fitting, black, Lycra body suit[/url]. She'd finished off the outfit with a pair of leather boots that reached almost to her knees. They had comfortable, low, two inch heels and anti-slip, rubber soles. The two, unconnected results were that they highlighted Lana's long, athletic legs while still allowing her to run and maneuver with agility and speed. Greg asked, "So ... what now?" He explained her situation and his duty. She moved Greg's way, slow and unthreateningly. He'd just made it clear that he understood what Lana could do to him if she wanted. "I'm not going to hurt you. But. I'm not going to go to jail either." Lana reached to the small of her back and pulled out a semiautomatic pistol, lowering it to her side. She hesitated for a moment, likely leaving Greg contemplating her intent. Then, with a little flip, Lana turned the gun around in her grip and offered it out to him. She waited until he took it, seeing in his eyes the familiarity with the weapon. The MIB who had taken the gun from Greg when he took the FBI agent down in the stairwell. Lana had [i]reclaimed[/i] it, unsure of whether or not she would need it. She continued, "I have confessed my criminal activity to you. To an FBI agent. You have every right to take me in. You have a [i]responsibility[/i] to." Lana moved to a wooden box directly before Greg and sat. Looking into his eyes, she said with deep feeling, "I am putting my future in your hands. You helped me. You helped me get away from those men. I owe you." She wasn't forgetting that she'd also helped Greg escape them. But right now, that wasn't relevant to their discussion. She continued, "I will do [i]anything![/i] Just. Just don't send me to jail. Please, Greg." Lana used his given name, despite the fact that he'd used her surname the last couple of times he's spoken her name. She was trying to make a more personal connection in her plea to him. It was her way. She never passed on using those feminine wiles, after all.