[center][b]"Not So Alien Alien Life"[/b][/center] [b]BASIC STORY:[/b] [LIST] [*]In the late 22nd century, Earth sent a FTL (faster than light) manned mission to the distant planet of Meero. [*]Transit time for its 18 crew members was 550 years. [*]A century later, using new FTL technology, a second manned mission left for Meero. [*]With a superior speed, it would arrive at Meero long before its predecessor. [*]When that crew of the original craft arrived, they would discover than humankind had been on Meero for 20 generations. [/list] [b]PRIMARY CHARACTERS:[/b] [list] [*]My yet to be named female character. [*]Your yet to be named male character. [/list] [b]SECONDARY CHARACTERS:[/b] We'll see.