[@LadyRunic] Just wondering where is this geographically set? Are we in the realm of the gods or are we in the mortal world for the most part? Secondly I hope you don't mind but I changed my godly parent to Mars, of course if that's a problem I can switch back to Athena. [hider= Decimus Claudia] Full name: Decimus Domitius Decimus Filius Claudia Miles (thought it only proper to give his whole Latin name. Probably best to just use his praenomina of Decimus as its the equivalent of an English first name) Nickname: Miles (Latin for soldier) Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Demi-God Pantheon: Roman Weapons: Gladius (Roman short sword, 24 inch blade); Scutum (rectangular Legionary shield); Pila (throwing javelins of various kinds to engage different targets); Pugio (short Roman stabbing dagger). Powers: Weapons master: As a son of Mars Decimus has instinctive mastery for all types of weapons. This means although he is most familiar with those weapons used by Roman soldiery he is able to make use of any weapon he comes across without training. Additionally, although it takes great effort he is capable of manifesting whatever weapon he may require for a brief stretch of time, provided that he has encountered the weapon before. Tactical acumen: Mars unlike his Hellenic cousin Ares is much more level headed and is a master of strategy. Decimus shares this trait having an innate talent for all maters of war, from administration, rousing pre-battle oratory to front line command. Born for Battle: Decimus' gifts suit him to war above all, but his immortal constitution is also shaped to help him in battle. Faster, stronger and more enduring than any mortal and many demigods he is also more resistant to pain, and quite importantly magic and environmental hazards. However, whilst less susceptible to the environment and magic than most, he is not immune. Lupus-Domino: Among the animals of mars is the wolf, Decimus therefore has a strong tie to the beasts, seemingly able to command them as he sees fit. Appearance: Decimus looks like your typical patrician youth. He is tall, well built and has short brown hair. He keeps himself well shaved as is Roman custom, and has a scar running down his left cheek. His grey eyes are by no means harsh but they do lend him a gravitas that belies his years. He can typically be found wearing either a white toga with a red trim as befits his station in Roman society, or in the armour of Roman Centurion. Regardless of what he is wearing he can be found wearing a silver ring gifted to him by his mortal father, and a medallion of Mars given to him by his older sister Livia. For foot wear even when not in armour he can typically be found wearing his military caligae (studded sandals), much to the chagrin of his mortal parents. Likes: Battle, weapons, history, oratory, religion, teaching, bravery, loyalty, and honour. Dislikes: Cowardice, treachery, bullies, unlawful deeds. Strengths: Decimus is the manifestation of the Roman warrior ideal. A leader of men, he will fight in the frontline no matter the danger and will give his life to protect: Rome, Roman Law, Roman gods, but above all the Roman people. Weaknesses: Whilst he is an expert in all things martial, and can hold his own in a heated debate and knows his way around Roman society, his time on campaign has left him socially illiterate. Whilst most would have no problems meeting new people, for Decimus unless they're a fellow soldier he finds the whole thing to be rather terrifying. Quirks: Decimus has two expressions he lives his life by, Senatus populusque Romanus (The senate and the people of Rome); Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori (It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country). Fears: Defeat, failure to protect his ideals and those he cares for, losing his honour. Ambition: Above all else Decimus seeks glory in battle, he hopes to follow in the footsteps of both his immortal and mortal bloodlines and to find his ultimate end in the maelstrom of battle, knowing that he has died defending that which he cares for. Personality: It could be said that Decimus has a split personality somewhat. When he's around soldiers he is dynamic, articulate and confident. When not in the company of soldiers however, Decimus tends to be rather more withdrawn. He becomes quiet saying as little as possible, typically trying to find a way out of social situations as swiftly as possible. Father: Mars Mortal Adoptive Father: Decimus Titus Decimus Filius Claudia Felix Mother: Octavia Claudia Siblings: Liva (older sister), Gaius (younger brother) (Gaius is born of both Decimus Snr. and Ocatavia, Livia meanwhile is born of Octavia and her previous husband who died before Livia was born) Pets: Romulus (a wolf, Decimus has had him since he was a cub) History: His parents don't discuss his birth very much. Decimus does know however, that he was born before his father and mother were married and that his father adopted him shortly after the two married along with his elder sister Livia. Decimus spent his life learning all the arts expected of patrician's son. He learnt history, philosophy and rhetoric showing a particular talent for history. When he was old enough his grandfather taught him the arts of war. Decimus was a quick study and by the age of 16 was serving in the Roman Legions as a Decanus in the 2nd Legio Augusta. It was during a campaign to Britain that Mars first revealed himself to Decimus and told him of his origins. At first Decimus was in awe, and when offered a place beside Mars he thought himself unworthy. Mars suggested the two settle the matter with a duel, which of course Mars promptly won. Since then Decimus has taken his rightful place in the Roman pantheon and has done all he can to demonstrate he deserves his place fighting injustice where-ever he can find it. He has yet to be recognised by any organised priesthood however, and prefers things to remain that way. Relationships: N/A [/hider]