Greg looked at the semi-automatic in his hands. He said casually, more to himself than to Lana, "The [i]book[/i] would tell me to take you in. Interrogate. Investigate. Negotiate." He looked up to Lana and smiled playfully. "You [i]did[/i] after all stop a bank robbery. I think you'd get some years shaved off your inevitable burglary convictions." He stood, then holstered his weapon. He looked down into Lana's face. Even in the low light of the needle room, with it's persistent and now roiling cloud of dust, her pale hazel eyes sparkled. Greg imagined that any man who looked into those inviting orbs would do anything to make the woman to whom they belonged his own. [i]He[/i] would ... and his little bit of history with Lana included a flight from justice, and beating, a [i]kidnapping[/i], and -- if would now seem -- an imminent act of aiding and abetting a fugitive. "Anything?" he asked. He could see in Lana's expression that she would probably take back that dangerous word if she could. He chuckled, trying to add a bit of relaxing levity. "I'll help you ... [i]Lana[/i]." He saw the effect of reverting to her own given name. "I will help you, but ... you have to do something for me." He offered her a hand and, when she took it and stood, he told her, "It's time you learned to use your powers for good, not evil." Greg laughed again, admitting, "That sounded kind of corny, but ... I think you know what I'm getting at. Lana ... you have these powers ... these [i]super[/i] powers ... that make you faster ... stronger ... more powerful than [i]normal[/i] people." He cocked his head a bit to look into the shorter woman's eyes closer. Smiling, he asked, "Do you see what I'm getting at?"