[hider=Qelhatat] [center] Full Name: Qelhatat Apophka Nickname: Qel, to those who she calls friend. The Cursed one of the Serpent - at least that is what those who know her heritage end up calling her. Apophis isn't exactly a popular deity with the populace, and neither is she. Age: Compared to the other gods and demi-gods? Incredibly young. 15 years. Gender: Female Race: Demigod Pantheon: Egyptian Weapon(s): A [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/dotd/images/9/92/Main_mummy_pharaoh.png/revision/latest?cb=20121028095545]ceremonial Khopesh[/url], her staff, and a simple [url=http://griffinstone.com/images/item_photos/knife_01.png]dagger[/url] Powers: [u][i]Umbrakinesis:[/i][/u] - The ability to manipulate shadows. She's not very skilled in using it for combative purposes. For defensive and stealth purposes though, she's fairly decent at. These abilities do not work in extremely well lit areas, or absolute darkness. After all, shadows thrive only when Light and Dark are in balance. [i]Shadow Form:[/i] About as simple as it sounds. Qel is able to make herself one with shadows, and even move short distances through them. She is not immune to damage in this form, however. She can still be damaged if one knows which shadow she is hiding in. However, she can move from shadow to shadow. [i]Shadow Shield:[/i] Another simple technique. She surrounds herself with a shell of shadows to ward off damage from any sort of magical attacks. [i][u]Chaos Manipulation:[/u][/i] As a child of the Serpent of Chaos, Qel can control the forces of chaos herself on some level. She however, is young and unskilled at most forms of her abilities. This can be incredibly bad at times. She is, however trying to get her abilities under control so she doesn't accidentally harm anyone with her abilities. [i]Chaos Empowerment[/i] - To put simply, the more chaos is being caused, the stronger she becomes. Durable, faster, stronger. This can lead to a very dangerous snowballing effect. After all, chaos typically begets more chaos. This puts her in a very tricky position in a fight. Any destruction, infighting among comrades, and other things will only make her stronger. Of course, as soon as the chaos stops - all power she gained will be returned to zero and likely leave her feeling completely out of it. [i]Thought Reading/Suggestion[/i] - If she focuses on a target, she is able to understand their thoughts on some level. It's not perfect mind reading, and she doesn't know exactly what they are thinking but she can understand basic emotional thoughts such as 'hate' 'annoyance' 'love' 'passion'. She, should she desire, may also insert thoughts or suggestions into other peoples minds. It's not mind control, and someone can easily just ignore the thought and pass it off as a random occurrence. (She's not going to be influencing any gods at all, though she may be able to put a small thought in a weaker demi-gods head.) [i]Discord[/i] - She can cause disagreements between others. Of course, she can not create something from nothing - there must already be a seed of distrust/discord within the group for this ability to work. She can not currently control the amount of discord she causes. It can range from a minor disagreement, to something that could cause a war on a global scale if she isn't careful. Most gods will be immune to such meddling, however. [i][u]Enhanced Physical abilities:[/u][/i] As a demigod, she has increased physical abilities of what humans naturally have. That said, she isn't going to be winning any contest of skill when it comes to physical combat or abilities unless she's been literally bathing in chaos. Can speak to and command serpents. Appearance: [hider=Qel] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nXvCBy1.jpg?1[/img][/hider] Honestly, this young, somewhat innocent looking girl is the last person you'd expect to be the daughter of the Snake of Chaos. Or possibly, she's exactly what you'd expect from a creature exactly of chaos. Standing at a mere five foot four, she's not the most impressive of people. She has dark chocolate colored hair with dark skin, and usually wears a white dress with a golden colored tiara and neck ornament. She has light blue eyes, and has odd markings on her skin. It is clear she dresses in order to emulate those of Ancient Egypt, before it fell to the Romans. However, due to her inhuman heritage this human guise is simply that. A guise she uses around humans so she can fit in better. Her true form, is that of a half woman/half serpent creature, with her lower half becoming that of a serpent. Her lower half is covered in dark purple scales, and her eyes take on a more serpentine appearance. Her hands attain sharp, venomous two inch long claws for fingernails, as deadly as any serpent, with fangs equally as deadly. Likes: Dancing, reading, writing, learning, music, Her father... Chaos, watching a good plan come together, women, The struggling of those caught in a trap. Dislikes: Peace, Ra (he has repeatedly tried to kill her father, thinks he's a big meanie), needless death, Ma'at (ew, peace), Cold things, men. Strengths: Highly intelligent charismatic. She is fluent in several different languages and can also read and write in them. understanding magic and how it works Quite agile on her feet. Somewhat athletic, though she's not going to be winning any parkour or running contests. Weaknesses: Sometimes overly confident. Not that great of a direct fighter. Quirks: [color=a187be][i]"People think Chaos is bad. But what change would there be without it? Everything would be boring and stay the same." [/i][/color] Fears: Her father being killed by Ra. (Or by anyone for that matter) Her own death Losing control of her abilities and causing complete chaos. Ambition: The restoration of Egypt as an independent country, and reinstatement of the Pharaohs. Through [i]any[/i] means necessary. Personality: At first, Qel seems like a fairly friendly young girl. She can get along with most people, granted they don't mind having a curious girl constantly interrogate them about things. Otherwise, she's pleasant to speak too, intelligent and friendly if a bit on the promiscuous side. She usually wears a smile on her face and can be all giggles most of the time. She is completely loyal to help a cause and anyone she considers a friend. That said, as far as gods are concerned she is only loyal to her father, Apophis. She absolutely loathes Ra and his ilk, fearing they might one day kill her beloved father - and in that respect would likely kill her one day as well. Father: Apophis Mother: Unknown human woman, likely an unwilling mother though. Siblings: N/A Pets: Various serpents and snakes. They seem to follow her about. History: Being only fifteen years old, Qel unfortunately does not know much of the outside world. Apophis raised her by himself within his home in Duat, the underworld of the Egypt Pantheon. There, she was taught the way of the old Egypt, Ancient Egypt before it was taken over by the Romans and their empire. She was taught how to control her heritage as a serpent of Chaos and how to speak to snakes - who would become her only friends in Duat during her time there. For Fifteen years she studied and practiced her abilities. And then her father told her - go forth, and bring chaos to the world. And she intends too. But not in the way some might expect. Causing the fall of the biggest empire in history...would be quite glorious, no? She could even probably gain the help of the other gods and demi-gods in the Egyptian pantheon... But of course, such a plan requires time...and she is young and still mostly unskilled, but she is confident in her abilities. -Relationships- [/center][/hider] *boop* There she is. If there are any problems, do tell! [quote=@LadyRunic] [@Hamstrong]I'd like the CS now so I can map out who we have and who we need. Who I'd like to have before we start are Zeus, Hades, Posidon, Set, Dagda, Ra, Osiris, Horus, Tyr/Woden, and Odin. Essentially the largest of the Gods in the region. [/quote] I'd take Ra, but me controlling him might be a bit weird xD Not sure I'd be taking any of the others...except maybe Odin. But eh, again, I don't really do guy characters.