[hider=Catherine Linda Bishop][IMG]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tlTqxnfdToU/SulcLtkIgGI/AAAAAAAAAqs/OVDx53kaWBc/s320/rb-long-brown-hair-28-0809-de.jpg [/IMG] [I]"It's a basic truth about the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what." -- Dr. Gregory House[/I] "The Basics..." Name: Catherine Linda Bishop Mutant Alias: Bones Nickname: "Kathy": A shortening of her name, which she dislikes. Used primarily when she was young. "Bones": Her alias. She prefers this to "Kathy." Age: 24 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, and acting physician for the Academy. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: Catherine is 5'2 and is lean, and not very muscular. Her skin is fair, with only a light dusting of freckles across her nose. Her eyes are a stone grey, and has recently allowed her hair to grow to her shoulder blades instead of the top of her neck. Style: She prefers to wear polo shirts with khaki, navy, or black pants with brown leather shoes and a long sleeved, warm undershirt that matches the polo. She also wears a white medical coat when she's teaching. If she can get away with it, she will wear her pajamas and slippers. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: - Dairy Products (especially ice cream). - Reading (her favorite book is "Faust" by Goethe). - Sparring. - Dissections. - Black humor. - Halloween (it's very easy and interesting when you can use your bone manipulation powers to dress for Halloween. Not to mention the candy). - Piano pieces by Rachmaninoff. Dislikes: - Sleeping alone (she has a teddy bear she sleeps with at night; a secret she takes great pains to keep quiet). - Needles. - Arrogance/Self-Righteous people. - Monotony. - Perverted jokes about her powers and the reproductive organ portion of her class (she's heard them all). - Being toyed with. Mutation: Catherine's mutation is bone manipulation. She can grow and rapidly heal her bones, creating objects out of bone, even having them stick out of her body as weapons or calcifying over her skin as a shield. Catherine's bones are harder than the average human's bone and can withstand more stress. She has minor regenerative abilities, however, any large bones (thicker than an inch) that poke out of her body can injure her (though she can stanch bleeding with a patch of bone). She also requires an abundant diet of calcium and vitamin D filled foods. Extruding bones can be 0.5 times taller than her (6.25 feet), no thicker than two inches and no thinner than a millimeter. Strengths: Catherine is versatile, and can adjust her powers for any situation. Whether letting a barrage of bone spikes loose, or shielding someone, or even using her bone manipulation to give her an intimidating form, Catherine is a jack of all trades with her power and knowledge. Weaknesses: If she goes without calcium in her diet for a whole day, she cannot form bones. Two days, her rapid bone healing is gone. Her bones lower to the strength of a regular person after a week without calcium. More than a week, and her bones degrade to the strength of a woman with osteoporosis. Personality: Catherine adheres to the separation of business and pleasure, and lives both parts of her life as a perfectionist. She takes her professional integrity very seriously. She has a hot temper as a result. She is bluntly honest, opinionated, dry, and cynical. Her greatest flaw is her anger, as it makes her reckless and vengeful. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Catherine was the eldest of a family of physicians and five brothers. Her parents were entirely devoted to their work and climbing the social ladder, however, and did not spend much time with their children. The attention of their parents soon became a competition in the Bishop household, and while normally Catherine would have no part in such shenanigans, she would not be outdone by her siblings. And so she set out to the path of medicine, just like her parents. Unfortunately, her promising future in medicine was abruptly ended when one night during a nightmare, her powers first manifested and a large spike of bone came right out of her forearm, causing her to wake from her dream and scream in pain. Instead of horror, her parents saw the event as interesting, and began to view their daughter in a new light; as a medical subject. They began to induce her into a state of dreaming and view her reactions while monitoring her vitals, hoping for her powers to show themselves again. She would be questioned on the dream's content after awakening. These experiments lasted for a month until finally, at the age of 14, Catherine ran away from home. She didn't get too far, as her parents had not kept quiet about their "special daughter," and word eventually reached the X-Men. She was taken in and became a professor two years ago, due to her knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Other: Catherine carries a metal flask with a black leather wrap around it filled with milk at all times. Her suit has her shoulders exposed, which let her extend her bone shield over her suit. She uses intimidation tactics when she fights, including molding the front of her face in a shell of bone to make it look like a skull. She also has a slight southern accent.[/hider] --- I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but I don't plan on making large changes to the profile. Maybe I'll find a less pretty picture and a few other small details.