[hider=Cass Rowley][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2Qr1XO0.jpg[/img] [h2][u][color=firebrick]Cass Rowley || 23 || Wild Child[/color][/u][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cMiNDwyq3w][color=firebrick][sub]"I heard ya talked a lotta shit about me to your new best friend. That doesn't matter anyway 'cuz I've gotta new best friend, okay? Me and her, we'll kick your ass!"[/sub][/color][/url] [b][color=firebrick]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=firebrick]Sexual Orientation:[/color][/b] Pansexual [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/52hxLAC.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/SiDRhG1.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/i7Xs351.jpg[/img][hr] [b][color=firebrick]Personality:[/color][/b] There's always that one person that gets way too into college, the one that wants to do it up like all the movies make the experience out to be: drinking heavily, making mistakes on a regular basis, Greek turf wars, and somehow still managing to attend class and not be thrown out or worse, in jail. Cass makes that person seem downright [i]tame[/i]. People aren't even sure if she attends college or just hangs out on the campus causing all manner of havoc. There's rarely a party where she isn't four beers deep before the first hour passes, and it's not even considered a party unless she's there to cause some manner of property damage. Usually it's just a broken window or two. Though she's quite the notorious party sort, Cass fancies herself a rebel, that there's a method to her often drunken madness. No one's quite sure what that method is, but then, Cass does say a lot of things that are hard to parse. Despite not having what one could call an actual 'friend', Cass is incredibly social and confident when it comes to controlling a room. Even when she isn't smashing windows or making a ruckus just to combat boredom, she knows how to talk to people, to make them laugh, to make them [i]interested[/i]. Her reputation definitely precedes her on her campus, but no one really has gotten to know her beyond what she presents on the surface. And sure, while there's certainly a place for someone crazy and utterly unfiltered like Cass, at some point one has to wonder when she'll start growing up. [b][color=firebrick]History:[/color][/b] A question many have after meeting Cass is 'was she always like that?' And the answer might come as a surprise if ever there was anyone around to hear it. Cass, born Cassandra, Rowley comes from a well off family, the type of family that has wings of a hospital or building named after them. The type of family that lives in a gated community and speaks ill about those that look different than they do. You know the type. Cass bought into the lifestyle as a child, taking the piano lessons after private school and being groomed to be a perfect little socialite, auctioned off to some other nouveau riche suitor to keep the money and conditioning well alive. It was around the end of middle school when Cass began to change. Her parents liked to blame the less fortunate as a bad influence, but it was just a matter of Cass seeing her parents and realizing that she wanted to be anything but them. Cass attended public high school, which was about as big a slap in the face to her family as she could do without bringing home an unwanted suitor, and went to great lengths to hide her fortunate status from the others. She accomplished this by wearing clothes straight out of punk music videos, at first being a very poor poser but slowly, over time, adapting the anarchistic, wild child lifestyle for herself. All the marks were checked on the list. Smoking behind the gym. Truancy. A stint with a shitty garage band. Being thrown out of said band for thinking that their one and only gig had to end with her kicking a bigass hole in the drummer's kit. Cass embraced a life of attitude and loose morals even if it meant being cut off from her family's bank account. Whether or not this is just a phase remains to be seen, and no one outside of her family know the details of her life. She intends to keep it that way. [b][color=firebrick]Why do they want to win a million dollars?:[/color][/b] Half of it to spend on the biggest rager she can picture. The other half to use as a start up for her business idea. [b][color=firebrick]On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are they?:[/color][/b] 3 [b][color=firebrick]On a scale of 1-5, how intelligent are they?:[/color][/b] 3 [b][color=firebrick]On a scale of 1-5, how social are they?:[/color][/b] 5 [b][color=firebrick]Anything else you want to add?:[/color][/b] -TBA [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HUXuihh.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AfLeYqt.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FXkHWPP.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xoVpPOW.jpg[/img] [hr][/center][/hider]