[b]Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday[/b] The combined attacks upon the restrained giant seemed to work to unbalance it and making its attempt at freeing itself that bit harder - just enough time for the group to pour another volley into it whilst Rui kept the shackles bound. The key was precariously close to turning however - but with Alexei's heavy blows, Sato's howling wind and Kotori's lightning strike, the enemy was soon reeling. Rui, however, seemed to see this as a chance and chose to go in for the kill rather than play it safe - which, luckily, paid off as the slashes of both his and Aksr's swords brought the enormous shadow down; much to the relief of Kotori who had been afraid they might have to once again try to dodge an enraged shadow's hefty charges. Taking the moment's respite to catch their breath - something Kotori was most thankful for - Ayano wasted little time in scanning ahead and soon enough informed them that their target was nearby and up ahead. Though still breathing a little more quickly than she'd have liked, Kotori nodded nonetheless when Rui checked to see if everyone was ready to press onwards - she didn't want to slow everyone down nor leave whoever was caught in this whole dungeon mess to have to stay at its mercy any longer than necessary. As such, the group soon headed out - though not before Ayano informed them that a hallway to their left would lead to the other dungeon. Given the ever more bizarre architecture of these places, it didn't even seem all that strange anymore - instead, Kotori was just glad to have at least some convenience for once which would make it easier for either group to aid the other should the need arise. Once again, they came to a door - this one leading to the warden's office, according to the words upon it. Peering inside before they stepped through, it seemed rather spacious - not that dimensions seemed to matter or make all that much sense most of the time - and as such they entered the room. Kotori nervously glanced about, though she found nothing to warrant it - before settling her eyes on the person in the middle of the room. The figure seemed familiar once again - but she only recognised the prospective Agriculture Club member on a second glance, seeing as he'd only very briefly showed up before vanishing just as quickly. However, he was not alone - standing before him was once more a doppelganger of sorts which had just noticed the party's arrival. Much as before, the shadow - which was which was not hard to tell from the sheer venom in its voice - began to speak, nonchalantly speaking of Ryan's past. However, the shadow's voice quickly grew in both volume and anger and before long was practically screaming as it spat out words of resentment at his parents. Uncomfortable at hearing another person's secrets being laid out without their consent, Kotori didn't know whether to listen or not - though the voice of the shadow made it hard not to either way; especially when its words about running away from other people sounded more than a little familiar. However, she looked up again when Ryan suddenly shouted at the fateful words that the shadow was not him. A dark laugh resonated around the room as shadows converged on the other Ryan; signalling its transformation into a more monstrous form - or rather, the room's transformation. It seemed to draw in the shadows of the office's back wall; tearing it apart in doing so - and revealing behind it an enormous humanoid figure; much like their previous adversary but even larger still. It too was clad in prisoner's clothing and much as before its arms were clasped in cuffs. However, there was little time to be taken aback or wonder about any meaning as the shadow wasted none in pointing at the party - which the giant seemed to take as command and brought a fist crashing down. Everyone only barely managed to get out of the way as the ground itself shook and the huge fist even left a crater where it had struck the floor. Kotori was increasingly anxious whether her healing spells would be able to undo the damage from such a devastating attack - or, for that matter, whether she'd be able to withstand one herself. However, now was not the time to dither and worry - instead, she simply had to prevent that possibility from occurring in the first place; even if that thought sounded a lot less confident that she might have liked. Rui meanwhile had already ordered Ayano to scan the smaller figure of Ryan's shadow and then told them to split up - not a bad idea, considering the sheer strength and area of attack this giant possessed. Taking up position roughly in the middle left, she quickly glanced about to make sure everyone else was definitely uninjured before focusing her attention on the giant - were it not for the calming presence of both Kikuri-Hime and the other three group members, she wouldn't feel even half as confident. Now, however, she decided to focus on dodging any incoming attacks and, if necessary, heal any incoming damage whilst anxiously awaiting the completion of Ayano's scan.