[hider=Aphrodite] [center] [h1]Aphrodite/Venus[/h1] Full Name: [b]Aphrodite[/b] Nickname: Afrodite, Goddess of Love, Beauty, Grace, Sex, Attraction, Sexual rapture, Desire, Seduction, Procreation, Pleasure & Happiness Age: Age (looks) changes depending on her Gender: Female Race: Goddess Pantheon: Greek/Roman Weapon(s): Magic Scepter, magical girdle Powers: Godly Abilities, Luring, Astral Projection, Telepathy, Love inducement, Power Granting, Beauty, Shapeshifting Appearance: [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/3700/f/2012/319/8/4/aphrodite_by_jjlovely-d5l2thj.jpg[/img] [b]Waring, her boobs are out in the hider, (its not that bad though)[/b] [hider= Primordial Venus] [img]http://pre13.deviantart.net/8362/th/pre/i/2011/121/6/3/aphrodite_by_dj_fun-d3fbem7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Likes: Love, sex, pleasure, seduction, granting wishes, having strong men (god, mortal, or otherwise) bend at he will, satisfying man, Ares, Power, Dolphins, Roses, Myrtles, Doves, Scallop Shell, Mirrors (her reflection), Swans, the month of love, actions of passion Dislikes: Other gods who think they look better, not being able to find the beauty in something, Hephaestus, hate, Athena Strengths: Converting the enemy, determination, beauty, magics of love, her strive for power Weaknesses: Her husband, Ares, hate, pious nature, underestimating her enemies, succumbing to the desires of others Quirks: "Do not let Love fool you. It comes wrapped in velvet, with the softest touch. But what lies on the inside is a creature unlike any other, riddled with thorns and embedded with spikes. If abused love can cause you a pain unlike any other, but if treated properly it will give you a power that surpasses all others." Fears: The loss of her Beauty, having to love Hephaestus, losing the affection of man, becoming "tame" Ambition: To show Zeus and all the other gods that love is the ultimate force, and to be known as the most beautiful without rival (other gods or goddess). Personality: [b](Aphrodite)[/b] She seems to have a very carefree, yet promiscuous outlook on life. In fact, the only thing she cares about is having sex, and is actively neutral in the war waging against the gods. This promiscuous nature is more to do with the fact that she is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sexuality and Procreation. She loves making love rather than do anything else. Her only benchmark, it seems, for having intercourse with someone is whether or not she finds the man attractive enough to sleep with her. When she is not making love she can be seen with a wise outlook on most things. Aphrodite usually is the champion of love, most gods or goddess come to her for advice on important matter and to use her as a "consort". [b](Venus)[/b] Despite this she can be malicious in nature, when she starts to play a "game" with someone or thing, she can be cruel and unforgiving, showing the other side that love and seduction can bring. Sometimes her thirst for power and servicing the ultimate desire surpass all other things. Venus is not a goddess to be triflied with, simply because the phrase "hell hath no furry, like a woman scorned" came from her. Father: Ouranos/Zeus Mother: Dione Siblings: The Furies Hephaestus Ares Athena Hermes Apollo Artemis Pets: Doves Cupids Sparrows Swans History: In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of Love, Beauty, Seduction, Pleasure, and Happiness. There is more than one story about her origins. According to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus's genitals and threw them into the sea, and she arose from the sea foam (aphros). According to Homer's Iliad, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Because of her beauty, other gods feared that their rivalry over her would interrupt the peace among them and lead to war, so Zeus married her to Hephaestus, who, because of his ugliness and deformity, was not seen as a threat. Aphrodite had many lovers - both gods, such as Ares, and men, such as Anchises. One day, the sun god Helios caught Ares and Aphrodite in their affair. When he told Hephaestus, the smith god decided to plan his revenge. He created an invisible net, which he set over the marriage bed. No sooner had Hephaestus left their home, that Aphrodite called her lover and Ares sneaked into the house and in bed with the naked goddess; but, just in the midst of their lovemaking, at the crucial moment, the net fell upon the two lovers, trapping and immobilizing them, locked in a very private embrace. Hephaestus immediately walked back to his bedchamber with a host of other gods and exhibited them as they were: naked and wrapped in each others arms. Her Roman equivalent is Venus. She has many demigod children. [/center] [/hider]