[h1][center][color=ed1c24]Pyro[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/59/64/79/596479b71d0d5e9a7feb3872cad4189e.jpg[/img][/center] [@Eagenitheflamingkprince][@ianzerep][@Iatos][@Devo][@RiverMaiden][@Draconequis] Sometime during when Twix and Elvina had arrive, Pyro had found the energy to vault back onto the ground so as to make it easier for them to heal him. Gratefully accepting the peacha berry, he munched on it as he glanced towards Xiphias. "Oh? You did something? Must've missed it." Pyro said with a mouth full of peacha berry before swallowing "Cut her some slack Mellio, I'm sure she will control as time progresses. Pretty sure none of us have much idea of what's going on anyway, who knows I might've acted the same way in her shoes....whatever it is she did." Pyro added as he listened to Mellio once more and simply chuckled in response. "Strong? I don't think I'm strong in any sense of the word, just incredibly lucky and stupid." Pyro replied with a sheepish grin before glancing down at the berry in his hand. "Shelter huh? I don't think camping out in this town is a fantastic idea. Who knows what else is here? Then again, who knows what is out in the forest...." Pyro let out a sigh as he seemed to mull over their predicament. Both options were dangerous in their own right, however.... "I reckon we stay the night, then leave tomorrow. Just rest up, what say you Mr Leader?" Pyro called out to Twix. Although no-one had mentioned any sort of leadership roles, Pyro was simply assuming Twix would be in charge. Mellio was too young to lead them, and he had no idea who two of them even were in the slightest. Elvina seemed too timid to lead, and Pyro simply didn't want to.