[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Xiphias[/color][/h1][/center] Xiphia stared suspiciously at the newcomers, her ears pricking up as she watched them. She backed away from the Ampharos as one of the Eevee bent to save her. She flicked her ears again, grasping one of the Pecha berries in her hands, slowly taking a bite. As Pechas normally are, it was sweet and delicious, as well as extremely tender. However, there was a large hollow pocket inside, meaning there wasn't very much to eat. Still, this little bit should be more than enough to cure her poison. Xiphias watched the female Eevee cleaning up the Ampharos. [color=ed1c24]"I know of shelter outside this town. A place i used to call my home. No wild pokemon dares to enter. I used my illusions to make them afraid to come near."[/color] Her ears flattened against her head as the young Shellos snapped at her. The world distorted around her as she flashed her teeth angrily. [color=ed1c24]"I did not do this on purpose, child."[/color] Xiphias backed away from the group, feeling like the outcast again. Right.. that's because she was. As a whole, Zoroark were supposed to travel in packs.. and here she was.. all alone. She'd been awake for a couple of weeks now.. and she didn't understand why.. why she'd been made alone. It was a strange hollow feeling in her gut.. as if something was missing. She glanced over at the Houndoom, an ear twitching as she watched her fellow dark type. She felt a bit better now that someone was defending her. Maybe it had something to do with dark types.. and how they were slightly misunderstood. An ear twitched again. [color=ed1c24]"I honestly.. have no idea what i did."[/color] she admitted sheepishly. Then she glanced up at them. [color=ed1c24]"Wherever we go to make our camp.. i can create an illusionary barrier to keep others out."[/color] A flick of her hand and the world distorrted around it, so her hand slowly vanished, coming back as she released the illusions. [color=ed1c24]"I.. I am not sure how long I could hold it though.. and I'm not sure how I even know how to do it."[/color] One eyebrow raised and an ear twitched in amusement as the Houndoom named one of the Eevee a leader. It seemed perhaps a bit strange to her that they were lead by an unevolved pokemon. This Eevee must really be something. She'd watched wild pokemon, and it was always the evolved pokemon who lead. In this case.. it should have been the Houndoom. Well.. they weren't exactly the same as others.. so it would only make sense their.. group would be different.