[center][h3][color=00698c]B L O O D S W E A T A N D R E S P E C T[/color][/h3] [color=0069bc][sub][i]Two are given. One is earned.[/i][/sub][/color] Everyone has to eat. It’s a fact of life. Maybe you have a job. Maybe you don’t. It’s even worse when you have a family to provide for. When the rent’s due and a couple of your checks bounced. You’re stressed out. The local liquor store doesn’t have any security. No cameras. No guards. Nothing like that, past 12 AM. Grab the panty hose. Take the gun. Point it at the cashier. Tell her what you want, she’ll give it to you, she’s scared. There isn’t a button to call the cops. In and out. Get the Benjamins, get the penny rolls. It’s all yours now. It’s okay. The safe is a beast. Next time, you’ll bring a bigger saw. Of [i]course[/i] there will be a next time. It only gets better from here. You’re not going to tell, are you? Remember, loyalty is what makes you family. That’s what we expect. And we’ll help you. No more stress. Guess you’re a criminal now. But at least the bills are paid, right? It’s okay. We’ll help you now. Now you can do bigger jobs. You’re family now. Welcome to the Syndicate. [hr][/center] Hi, everyone, thanks for checking this out! This will be a crime RP, set in modern day America, specifically California, near the border to Nevada, starting in a small town with a very likely shifting setting(we'll be moving around a lot to commit crimes). We’ll be members of a local crime ring called The Syndicate. You can be a new criminal, a person who sees no other option to make the money they need to survive, or someone that’s experienced, or has even done time. I don’t care really. You can be a dirty cop or something like that, whatever tickles your fancy. I’d [i]much[/i] rather everyone be newer members to the Syndicate, but being a grizzled criminal who’s doing ‘one last score before they get out of the game’ is fine. The Syndicate is not above any crime, with murders, robberies, drug running, and even human trafficking being attributed to them. The leader of the Syndicate is unknown, both to the public eye, and most of the group. The ring is trying to expand and go national, or even worldwide. It’s said that the kingpin’s dream is a world where all crime runs through him. Their main crime is grand theft. Heists. Local banks, local liquor stores, jewelry stores. They want to hit bigger banks, museums. They need more money. Things worth more. Most of all, they need more [i]notoriety.[/i] That was why the big dogs in the group did the deeds. Infamy and fortune, by any means necessary. They want to scope out bigger scores, but they can’t do it anymore. There isn’t enough of them on the lower food chain. And that’s where you come in. You’re expendable to them, though they make it seem like you’re not. You’re part of the family, remember? [hr] I’ll do a better OOC post when I’ve gauged interest, for now I just want to sort of want to see if anyone’s even interested.