[@Catchphrase] Challenges will for the most part be very similar to the ones you can see on Survivor and Big Brother. This can range from physical triathlon type challenges to 1 VS. 1 challenges to mental puzzles to things similar to Fear Factor. For the first half of the roleplay, they will be team challenges and will have at least some focus on teams working together to win the challenge for that week. However, for the second half of the roleplay, the challenges will be everyone for themselves as teams will be dissolved and will be much less team oriented and much more competitive in nature. For some examples of challenges from Survivor and Big Brother respectively, look [url=http://www.survivorfanwiki.com/page/Best+and+Worst+Challenges+in+Survivor+History]here[/url] and [url=http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/big-brother/feature/a648603/boxes-weddings-and-world-records-10-of-the-best-ever-big-brother-tasks/]here[/url]! Of course, these direct challenges may not be what's actually used, and of course, those that will be will be adapted to work well in a roleplaying environment. c: