[b]Akane Hanazawa // Mirror World - Play of Control - Stage > Backstage Penthouse[/b] Sunday, June 21st, 2015 After a long while, they finally managed to put down the shadows, though quite exhausted afterwords. They weren't exactly strong but had quite the endurance, while it went on longer than she had hoped, it gave Akane quite the work out and let her blow off some steam. With the fight over, Megumi suggested that they'd rest, which she was more than happy enough to agree to, though, she didn't particularly didn't like that last sentence. Akane wasn't exactly fond of people getting involved in her fights without her say in the matter. With a sigh, she got off the ground she was relaxing on and stretched. With the team having finished resting, they headed backstage and came some backstage doors which led to a well lit hallway. According to Megumi the hallway to the right lead to the dungeon the others were in. [i]So they're directly connected, hmm?[/i] Kazuki, having calmed down from earlier, led them upstairs where they found a door leading to a fancy suite, there they found their target. She didn't know this one as well but apparently he's a member of the Drama club. Shortly after the show, as usual, the shadow transformed, though to be honest, the change was quite underwhelming. It got kind of strange when they noticed a wad of cash in it's hands. [i]Shadows have their own currency now?[/i] It got even stranger when another shadow appeared soon after and was handed the money with more shadows appearing soon after. [i]What is this, some low-class gangster movie?[/i] According to Megumi, the shadows are quite strong and from the sounds of it, the main shadow boss has some kind of shadow summoning ability. In short, this battle is going to be a pain in the ass if dragged out. With not knowing exactly they were dealing with, Kazuki made the call for them to take the battle slow and be cautious until Megumi finishes scanning them. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Well, in that case..."[/b][/color] Summoning Setanta, she called for a [b]Rakukaja[/b] to raise her defense to ready herself for the long haul.