[@Rune_Alchemist] Accepted on one LARGE condition. He's Apep. He's going to be a tad too powerful. He can only be his snake form and those powerful powers can only be used in Dual. He's going to be bound there by Ra (And Ra by him; a old and ancient curse they've been forced to share) and Ra will suffer the same depletion of power. They can only use their Godly powers and keep a guise of human form up. But they cannot use their full and mighty power. This is part of the reason Rome gained control. Essentially he would be on par with most Gods and not so terrifying and the forum is up. I'll link it [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93315-ascension-of-gods-high-casual/ooc] Here [/url] [@ViolentViolet][@Rosette Christopher][@Hamstrong][@Queentze][@Ashura][@Unoedipal][@Ryuzaki][@The Grey Dust][@Karos][@Lucian]