Finished! Oh and just a heads up, the CS you have posted has two personality slots. [hider=Sven] Name: Sven Hamilton Age: 20 Gender: Male Species: Were-Corgi Appearance: [img] [/img] [hider=Corgi Form] [img] [/img] Yes he has the tie on too as a corgi [/hider] Personality: Sven is a happy go lucky kind of person. He loves to play with others and often even acts like a dog when around others. He has been known to sprout ears when he becomes extremely excited. The ear sprouting never happens in public for the most part, but when he’s alone with people he knows it has happened. Sven believes that everyone in the world exists to please him. When they don’t he see’s it as a challenge and keeps being around them until they find some way to make him happy. Often by watching them trip or fall on their face pleases him enough to leave them alone. Underneath that happy exterior however is a rather conniving young man. He’s always gotten what he wants. Those who have seen him angry are either too traumatized to talk about it, or haven’t survived to escape him. Abilities/Skills: Sven is extremely smart when it comes to hatching a plan. He is unmatched when it comes to coming up with tactical maneuvers. He is also rather quick in his corgi form, along with having heightened senses. Due to his small size of being a corgi he is also extremely hard to catch. Weaknesses: Silver, Belly rubs. Brief history/background: Sven was born into a rather rich family of secret guards for the queen. As of late they have not been used as much and as such have found themselves going into their own stock market business. Sven has helped out where he can but for the most part he has occupied himself with chasing women that he believes should belong to him. At the age of 19 his parents called him out on his actions of chasing women around, Sven reacted by moving out and starting his own loan business, it has become known as “Loan Goblins.” Sven runs his business quite successfully, and those that can’t afford to pay back the loans end up having to pay it off either by working for it at his own company, or selling their own home. Anything else: He believes himself as the most adorable of the were creatures. [/hider]