@sakurasan If there are I've never meet them and hope I don't. They'd be so annoying.
@alexfangtalon Very, very true. But well, stuck up people are entertaining to watch~ They're like little toys that have no off button~ ^^
@Draconequis My god. She's going to start distancing herself from him. And more like a makeup/first aid kit. Just in case the make up on her arm and such start wearing off during class. But she has band aids, alcohol wipes, and the such.
--Mari's eyes going wide as she glares at him. "Fuck. You. I didn't say that, did I? Do you want some bruised boy working with us? I don't. It's disturbing to watch. Disgusting. You're a Fucking pain in the ass, trying to put words in my mouth.."
@DraconequisThis is where she'll prob slap him or something. Either that, or rip Chris's band aid off to show she gives no fucks. No one's supposed to know she's actually kind hearted. No One.
Why everyone think my girl is a plastic bitch.
Imma slice someone. Lawwwwd have mercy.
the dad is so seeexxxxyyyy