[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ad7o92Y.png[/img][/center] [color=#708090] [u][b]The New York Huntsmen[/b][/u] [i]Status - Chaotic Neutrals[/i] The Huntsmen are an ancient guild, with roots reaching all the way back to the ages of dragons and fairies. But after such things fell into the pages of mere storybooks, they grew less common. Instead of being heroes, they were mocked. They learned to keep their business on the downlow. To this day, the Huntsmen roam the world, seeking to cleanse it of inhumans. The recent activity in New York has made it something of a hot spot. [u][b]The Bronx Werewolves [/b][/u] [i]Status - Against the War[/i] The Bronx pack thrives in the decaying buildings of the district. They can easily pose as humans, work their day jobs, and slink out at night to run among the pack in the parks. They prosper from their lives among humans, and are happy with the way things are. Many have human friends whom they would lose in the war, making their fight against it all the more personal. [b][u]The Queens Vampires[/u][/b] [i]Status - For the War[/i] The Queens coven lingers on the streets at night, hunting unsuspecting prey to feed on. They have trouble thriving in a world that works mostly from 9 to 5. A few have managed to find nightshift jobs to blend in, but being around the very humans they feed on is difficult for them. The vampires are one of the most powerful factions that is for the war. They seek to rule at the very top of the food chain, above humans and inhumans alike. [b][u]The Brooklyn Witches [/u][/b] [i]Status - Against the War[/i] Once hunted by men, the witches have learned to use their abilties to coexist with humans peacefully. The Brooklyn coven makes their living by running small herbal medicine shops, trinket stores, and other such oddities across the district. They are quite content with their lives the way they are, and would rather not be uprooted by some unnecessary war. [b][u]The Staten Island Trolls[/u][/b] [i]Status - For the War[/i] Banished to the sewers and trees of the parks, the troll tribe of Staten Island is tired of hiding. They long for days when they can go about normal, modern lives. It didn't take much persuading by the vampire coven to get them on board with the idea of war. [b][u]The Manhattan Gargoyles [/u][/b] [i]Status - Undecided [/i] The gargoyle clan of Manhatten has yet to decide which side to take. On one hand, they are unable to live among humans due to their appearances, but on the other, their very existence is to protect mankind. The clan has remain reclusive, staying in their territory and trying to stay out of the turmoil. [/color]