[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/pen7q1O.png[/img][/center] [color=#708090] [b]Inhuman Rules:[/b] - Werewolves here are the kind that shift into full-on wolves, slightly larger than normal. They can shift at any time they want, but on the night of the full moon, they are forced to. Most have little control over themselves and their actions on the the full moon night, but some older wolves have learned to control it better than others. Silver will burn a werewolf's flesh, but any other type of weapon is just as effective. They have an increased healing rate, enhanced strength in human form, and near super strength in wolf form, and have enhanced senses. Werewolves have a typical human lifespan. -Vampires are nocturnal. If they go into the sun, they get burned. Crosses, holy water, and stakes are effective in deterring them, but regular weapons work to an extent as well. The only way to truly kill one is to remove their head. They must be invited into a home before entering. They must feed on human blood at least once a week, and are able to drink animal blood to tide them over. They are very strong, particularly after feeding. They do not shape shift or have super speed. Average lifespan is 1000 years. - Witches work with potions and simple spells. They can enchant objects, but not people. They are not powerful enough to have spells that instantly kill, mind control, or any other godmoddy thing like that. Average human lifespan, with some magical exceptions. - Trolls are large, bulky creatures. They resemble gargoyles, minus the wings and a bit more beefy. Their skin comes in an array of colors, and is usually thick like leather. They have horns, tails, multiple arms, eyes, and tons of other variations. The typical troll is between 6 and 8 feet tall. Rumors of trolls being stupid come from the fact that their children are full grown at age two, thus appearing to be very dumb adults. Trolls are actually on par with humans in the brains department. They have extraordinary strength, and their hides are near impenetrable. Hunters must use blades made from diamond, vampire fangs, or gargoyle/werewolf claws should they want to harm a troll. Trolls live about 50 years. - Gargoyles are creatures of the night. They perch on tall buildings during the day, solid as stone statues. Come dusk, they break free from their stone slumber and roam the city. They come in an array of appearances. Most have a thick, leathery hide, while some have fur and feathers. Their skins come in a range of earth tones: green, blue, brown, dark red, grey ect. They often have horns and beaks, and always have tails. Gargoyles typically stand at about 6 to 8 feet tall. They have extraordinary strength, can heal from mortal wounds overday so long as they make it to sunrise, and can fly. Typical lifespan is 150 years. - Others and rogues. The five factions rule the city, but many other types of creatures exist. Whether or not they are allowed to enter a faction's territory is up the individual leaders. These other type of inhumans come in many shapes and sizes: fairies, leprechauns, unicorns, dragons, you name it. Rogues also exist; those who have broken away from their packs and clans to be on their own. Once leaving their group, they are seldom allowed back within their former territory. Please PM me before trying to play one of these two types of character. [b]RP Rules:[/b] 1: Don't be afraid to PM me questions. 2: No godmodding or having super powerful characters 3: You can play a normal human if you wish. 4: Characters must be 16+ 5: As you can see, I haven't been very creative with ranks. Feel free to add your own spin on your rank if you so desire. 6: Post forms on OOC first, then character thread when accepted. 7: This RP will involve mature elements such as violence, language, and possible blood and guts. Please join with this in mind. [/color]