[hider=Kriss] Name: Kriss Mauser Age: 23 Gender: Male Label/Stereotype: Leatherneck Jesus-boy Sexual Orientation: heterosexual/straight Appearance: Current: [hider=Current] [img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p176/blizzy1/Kriss_Marine02_zpsjthahmu4.jpg[/img] [/hider] In the Marines: [hider=USMC] [img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p176/blizzy1/Kriss_Marine01_zpssjoebmvo.jpg[/img] [/hider] Wears a Loft Jacket (MultiCam), black "USMC" shirt, Combat Pant LE01 (MultiCam), and black waterproof trail boots. He has a pair of black nylon gloves if it gets cold and silver-tinted aviator sunglasses if it gets sunny. Loft Jacket: https://cryeprecision.com/ProductDetail/aprjl102lg0_loft-jacket Pant: https://cryeprecision.com/ProductDetail/aprcpq0232r_combat-pant-le01 Personality: Disciplined, reliable, and polite, Kriss treats others with respect whether they deserve it or not. He is prepared to do the right thing, whatever it is, no matter how popular or unpopular it may be. He always has a goal, even if it's just "Make it through today alive." In the Marines, he was an active member of a team, but on his own he's a bit reserved, refusing to butt into conversations and leaving them immediately if they head in a direction he doesn't like. Approach with caution, because, friendly as he is, he is more than capable of silencing you (in more ways than one) if you seem like a threat. Please be nice. History (Three sentences minimum): Kriss's father, Günther Alexander Mauser, was a pilot in the [i]TaktLwG33[/i], or Tactical Air Force Wing 33, for twenty years. At age 40, he spent several months in America, where he met Mary Ellen May, a registered nurse in the U.S. Army. Four years and one marriage later, Kristoffer Alexander Mauser was born. His father and mother brought the rigid, strict lifestyle into the home. As a result, Kriss more or less lived in his own version of "boot camp." You were up on time, home on time, and asleep on time. His parents were saved Christians, so you went to church every week and dressed for it. It was a lifestyle that a majority of teenagers would kill to get out of, but it stuck to him. He was an active participant in the JNROTC in high school, graduating and joining the US Marine Corps at age 18. He entered the Marine Aviation department (after the 28-week "Basic School," which was his home life on steroids and then some), following his father in aviation combat. He dedicated himself to Christ as well, and reads a pocket bible and prays as part of his daily schedule, which includes a detailed workout and diet routine. As a result, he is clear-minded and extremely muscular. Despite the stereotype, Kriss chose to live under the "terms and conditions" his parents set. He saw safety in having rules and a plan for your life, rather than hindrance. Four years later, he decided to go back and finish his education with a proper university degree. The Marines offer to pay 100% of student tuition expenses for remaining on active duty, so that's exactly what he did. As of now, Kriss is one year towards a degree in Civil Engineering, though that is subject to change. Why do they want to win a million dollars?: Undecided on what to do with the money. Kriss mainly wants to win to represent the USMC's ability to do anything, even win a reality TV show. On a scale of 1-5, how athletic are they?: 5 On a scale of 1-5, how intelligent are they?: 3 On a scale of 1-5, how social are they?: 1.5 Anything else you want to add?: -Kriss carries a shirt-pocket KJV New Testament that he reads regularly, along with a small notebook and pencil for sketching and note-taking. -Kriss is a Green Belt in the MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Art Program). [hider=Green Belt techniques] Intermediate Knife Techniques Intermediate Weapon of Opportunity Techniques (Blocking) Intermediate Ground Fighting w/ Arm Bars Intermediate Bayonet Training Intermediate Chokes (from the side) Intermediate Throws (Shoulder) Lower Body Strikes Counters to Strikes Unarmed Joint Manipulations w/ Enhanced Pain Compliance [/hider] -Kriss wants to join the "Black Knights" Fighter Attack Squadron. He has the Black Knights "VMFA-314" (the name of the squadron is VMFA-314) patch stitched onto the left sleeve of his jacket for inspiration. [/hider]