Here's my work in progress! [hider=Rowan O' Brien][b]Name:[/b] Rowan O' Brien [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Werewolf [b]Rank:[/b] Regular member Personality: Séamus has a very short temper. He will easily launch himself at someone if they make him angry, and he usually has no remorse. He also doesn't show much emotion. He doesn't like werewolves from other packs, but can get along with them after enough time, and with enough cooperation. He doesn't get on too kindly to other male wolves from his own pack, commonly starting fights. Thankfully, he's one of the strongest of the pack, meaning that he usually wins, or the other people give up. He doesn't like letting others give up though, as he'll be done whenever he's finished punishing them for whatever they've done. [b]Other:[/b] Speaks with an Irish accent. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Rowan is six foot five, and very muscular. He has brown/blond hair that he keeps short. He also has body hair on his front, arms, and legs. [b]Equipment/weapons:[/b] Rowan is very strong, and doesn't need any weapons. [b]History:[/b] Rowan was born to a werewolf pack in Ireland. He grew up with five brothers and three sisters, all with whom he fought with. Rowan was the third oldest boy, and the fifth oldest altogether, and was a farmer on his family's land, and grew the strength to do this, and combined with fighting with his siblings, became strong. Tired of not being the top dog, Rowan decided to move to New York when he was 19 in order to try and gain more respect. [/hider]