Violet was already ready so kept reading. Tears rolled down her cheeks, glistening in her violet eyes. She hated the people who would point and laugh. She stood up and wiped away her tears roughly before going to get breakfast. She sat at her usual table. She got out her book and read, ignoring her food as she kept reading. She stayed quiet as she read. She was reading quickly and she already was near the end so she was on the last chapter as her eyes moved quickly over the pages as she turned the pages every minute or so, it made it look like she was just skimming the book when she was reading intensely. Lola ran back to her dorm and quickly showered before putting on similar clothes. She went to the cafeteria and sat at a table with loads of people there as she started chatting and laughing around with them like she would usually do. She was smiling and bouncy just like usual, her eyes darting around as she kept on talking constantly. She was a bit of a chatterbox and you could tell that as well as that she had way too much energy still. She fiddled with her hair and her hands while still talking and smiling and she was someone who would never get tired because of the amount of energy she has. Charlotte went back to her dorm and sorted herself out quickly before slowly walking towards the cafeteria. She sat at a table with a few people but not many as she talked to them quietly but she often stopped paying attention because she zoned out quite quickly and often enough she will not be paying attention to her friends as much as she should and didn't listen to half of what they were saying too often and her friends usually tried to get her attention but that was hard enough because she was too easily distracted by other things or by her own daydreams.