Twix looked to the group from where he had settled down, pondering over when a good oppertunity to complain or nag about their choices would come. Their battle could certainly have turned out better, but it wasn’t the worst right now due to luck, something that they couldn't always depend on. When Pyro suddenly appointed him as the leader he was surprised and snapped out of his thoughts. [color=green]"huh me?..."[/color] he said a bit confused by the sudden appointment. He looked over them again before scratching the back of his head. [color=green]"Well I suggest that we all make camp down the road, we should build a shelter near a clearing where we have good view, then we can carefully gather wood nearby. And make a campfire... I don't think we need to go that far, just slightly away from here should be good enough."[/color] he said then realized his red gem glowed faintly once he did... Odd. The Girl who seemed to be added while they was gone had a few things to say, about a shelter and what not, it did indeed not sound to bas if it was in the right direction. [color=green]"I'm sorry, my name is Twillelix, or Twix. Your shelter sound good if its on the path that way, your illusion powers sound really helpful so it would be appreciated if you could use them like you say"[/color] he said with a smile, in all honesty he didn't feel odd around dark types more than any other, but it might be becaue his specie was very adaptable. Yet he felt that he pointed towards... Something.