[center][h3]Corporate War Zone - Warden's Office 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] As the party moved around avoiding the giant's attack, they were waiting for the right signal to strike, and pretty soon it came. Rui motioned towards it's fists. [color=slategray]"Strike it's hand just as it attacks. We should be able to make it swing out of control just for a moment"[/color], he said. They weren't going to get it to move on their own power alone, other than Alexei, none of them had anything that could deal enough concussive damage, so they needed some momentum to work with. And pretty soon, the giant would go for another strike, [color=slategray]"Now!"[/color], he yelled, as he swept around to the side, and struck at the giant's hand with a Mighty Swing. [center][h3]Play of Control - Backstage Penthouse 21/6/2015 Sunday[/h3][/center] A defensive strategy would soon become a bad idea, as the party's fight went on. Even as they slew one shadow after another, another one popped up in it's place, Kazuki alone was able to take on the swordsmen fairly easily, it was fencing they fight with, something he was quite familiar with it seemed, and along with his Persona, he could easily go for cheap strikes as if he was double teaming someone. The large bodyguards were a pain since they protected the main shadow, while the gunners and the ladies pelted with bullets and magic from the back. It was annoying, and they could replenish on their own... Noboru's head on tactics and Matthew's magic didn't seem to be enough, because the gunners would shoot Noboru off before he could get a hit in on the bodyguards, and the magicians would block Matthew's magic attacks. They were going to need some real level of coordination here. It appears the shadow hands out money to the other shadows as if hiring them too... Maybe they could try and prevent it from handing more money over? But with those bodyguards, getting a clear shot would be a little difficult...