[quote=@Dark Light] [@KatherinWinter] Hey Kat, this current layout is gonna cause a lot of problems with people trying to get involved. Already it's hard to see who is floating in the tavern. I propose a second thread for the out bound adventures. Current one stays in place for all events that happen within the tavern. The IC and OOC can be two different adventure paths and I would like to use the CHAR tab to keep a tally of how much money people have earnt from jobs, and make a shop where they can spend it. Thoughts??? [/quote] (I'll just write Gareth to be clear its my thoughts between these quotes.) Gareth: I don't think a second thread is worth it and I'll explain why. This website is huge, It already has a ton of threads, and often times I forget to check my notifications and if I have no notificatins it takes me a while to find the thread I want on the webpage. So it would take more time to navigate the website for 1 story. The reason for the 2nd thread because people are posting a bunch of story stuff where the story stuff belongs... That is what is supposed to happen. Nothing wrong with adding even more story stuff inside I.C. and it doesn't matter if its 2 people going on an adventure-let it be with the rest of the I.C. stuff. If people are worried about finding the other posts inside the I.C. (I'm not by the way.), all they have to do is spend a little time looking for the posts and copy them into a program like microsoft word and that way from then on they can find all the posts they want right there in the word program. Cutting corners for people, allows them to be lazy and its bad and its bad for anything really. [quote=@olcharlieboi] [@Dark Light] I personally would say to just slow your posts, sense sure there is no posting limit, but you still got to think your in a rp with more than one other person, so you need take that in consideration with how fast you post. [/quote] Gareth: I think its fine for them to go on their adventure in the I.C. at the rate its going. They are adding to what happens to the story, so we shouldn't restrict them. [quote=@Dark Light] [@olcharlieboi] We got 8+ characters, say half of them put up two or three posts a day, your still gonna bury the 'once every three days' posters. Not to mention you could be running four different locations at once. I'm here to build characters and stories, I'll wait for those I'm interacting with but not the people who drop one post and forget about it. To me this thread looks like it's loosely GM'd and it's up to the players to get what they want out of it. If no one else wants to make their own story that's fine, alternatively I don't mind moving my interactions to private posts but that kinda leaves everyone else out of the loop. As I mentioned in the OOC I'm happy to bring in and involve more ppl into my jobs. [/quote] Gareth: Ok, I'll say I haven't forgotten this roleplay. I've seen the posts and to be quite honest I didn't want to read all the I.C. posts right away. Actually I still have to catch up on them and I'll try to do that before work today. Also I like what you said, and its so true: "and it's up to the players to get what they want out of it." [quote=@KatherinWinter] [@Dark Light] That is an interesting thought. I can see how it could be helpful. Anyone else have an opinion on this idea? [@Rusalka] Appproved [@Dark Light] I can sure your concern. I would encourage you to use the mention buttons to make sure that you don't lose those you are interacting with. I have run many large groups before but this is my first adventure with multiple locations. I am always open to suggestions. I do have some ideas I would like to do as a group. [/quote] My suggestion is to let things remain the same and carry on the story as is. It is up to the people themselves if they want to post and what they want to add. If they want to post they will. If they want to add to what is going on they will. [quote=@olcharlieboi] [@KatherinWinter] even though it's interesting idea I don't think using the OOC for more rping when it's suppose to be where we can talk out of the roleplay to discuss things. is such a good idea. sense just cutting out where we can all discuss as a group, not to mention where people post their character sheets waiting to be approved. If made a separate forum for specific adventures, there is the chance that one or the other will get knocked behind a few pages of roleplays, among other things. but guess that part is up to you, I just suggest leaving stuff like OOC and CHAR as is sense they are serving their intended means. if going to make the main rp the guild, then it might as well just be the entire town, everyone can keep track of their own money earned. [/quote] I agree with this :)