[@RaeoftheLight] Azerus sighed as Moeasha complained with worry. Well by his actions and demeanour that appeared to be how he read her words. He look at down at his open hands as if contemplating something, then finally shrugged it off. Nearing the dense cloud Azerus stands, having no difficulty finding his balance. He slightly twists his head as he listens to the winds carefully. [i]"Ok, give it a try."[/i] he whispers to her. ........ Fortunately it was real fog, drawn to magic crystals placed around the outskirts of a small island. Hidden behind the fog was an island only 50 meters wide, there were a few fruit trees, a nice little shack and a decent sized house boat anchored at the other end. An open fire roasted some fish surrounded by two bearded men and a woman with long dreadlocks. They would all look to Azerus and Moeasha with a stunned surprise.