[quote=@PKMNB0Y] [@Vee]: Er... I don't think the character quite fits the scene. Insanity isn't exactly... Amusing. I'd go so far as to say it detracts from the amusement on occasion, mainly because everyone now has to be wary of friendly fire at all times. [/quote] Okay, maybe "insane" was a bad term to describe him... Think of him more like deadpool, personality wise. Except less of a desire for money and chimichangas. He's just a fast witty person that's easily distracted and does weird things that sometimes don't make sense. And he would never actually attack his own team. He might mess with his team, but never actually put them in any danger. Edit: Think insane more like deadpool and less American Psycho. lol He's the fun insane. Edit 2: Re-reading his personality... I can definitely see how you thought he was the bad kind of insane xD