Here's my witch :) Let me know if there's anything wrong with him. I sort of came up with a diplomat/spymaster rank so if that's an issue just let me know :) [hider=Charles Galloway] Name:Charles Galloway Age:21 Gender:Male Species:Witch Rank:Charles serves as a diplomat/spymaster of sorts. He deals with the leaders of the other ruling factions, and makes sure that they don't do anything rash or stupid. Since talk of war has broken out, he's had his hands full trying to prevent it. Personality: Charlie is charismatic and funny, a true jokester. But past the charisma, he's an extremely intelligent and very manipulative young man, someone that you wouldn't want to cross. He stays true to his friends, and his enemies are never forgotten. He believes that the ends justify the means, and is willing to do just about anything to get what he wants. He can be rather self serving, although he's always willing to help a friend in need, just so long as it doesn't interfere with his own needs. Appearance: [hider=Charlie] [img][/img] [/hider] Equipment/weapons: Charlie uses a revolver as his weapon, and always has some ammo for it on hand. History: Charlie's parents were the definition of soul mates. They met as teenagers and fell in love. Once they graduated college, his father, George, asked his mother, Lillian, to marry him. She said yes, and a year later, Charlie was born. His parents then opened up a small shop that sold trinkets to passerby. While most people believed them to be just trinkets, his mother liked to enchant them with small charms that would help people out in small ways, like keeping them healthy. Charlie's childhood was a happy one, and his parents trained him in the ways of magic. He always was rather skilled with it, and is respected around the supernatural community for his skill. When he became an adult and full fledged member of the coven, he was elected to the position of Head Diplomat, a rather prestigious position for someone so young, but one that he earned. Since then, he's made many friends across the city, and works tirelessly keeping the other factions from getting too pushy with the Coven, while also trying to gain more power for the witches. He was also able to gather a group of witches who were out of work. They act as a sort of gang for him, and carry out anything that he can't see to personally. [/hider]