[@RaeoftheLight] All three of them looked to each other and back to Moeasha, each holding to their previous emotion. The big man shakes his head. [b]"Sorry we can't help you there. Anything else we can do for you?"[/b] The slick thinner man's eyes go wide and he unconvincingly shakes his head. The woman scowls. [b]"Why are you accusing us? We don't know nothing about it nor do we want anything to do with those cruel brain dead wizard haters! If something bad is happening serves them right tho!"[/b] Both men instantly stare daggers at her. The larger man tries to cover the hostility with a chuckle. -------- Azerus looks back at Moeasha with an expecting glare. '[i]well? What now?[/i]' his eyes were asking. He was giving her time to do this her way.