[center][color=purple][b]Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams[/b][/color][/center] Naomi clenched her hands into fists, getting more annoyed by the second. [color=a187be]"After being ignored by your mother all your life because she was either too drunk or too high to care, alcohol kind of loses it's fascination,"[/color] Naomi bit out. Then she let out a breath through her nose, repeating the mantra [i]play nice play nice play nice[/i] in her head, in a voice that sounded suspiciously like her eldest sisters'. [color=a187be]"I can blast a hole through your head with dark energy, then teleport to a remote island in the pacific to avoid the law."[/color] [i]So much for nice[/i] Naomi mentally chastised herself. She turned to Mike and smiled maliciously, [color=a187be]"We done with the twenty questions? I'd ask what you can do but I don't much care."[/color] [@FunnyGuy]