[b][color=yellow]Michael Watts a.k.a Omega[/color][/b] Michael's eyebrows rose from Naomi's initial statement. [i]Well that's a cat that could of stayed in the bag...[/i] He thought before she seemed to snap at him a bit. Michael narrowed his eyes for a second before smiling back at her malicious smile. "That's peachy. I could say you have one up on your mother. You're doing exactly what she did and you're sober... I'm not asking you to like me, but aren't on a team. I might get the epic chance of saving your life one day, or I can say 'I don't much care.'" He mocked as he got up and revisited the bar to grab the bottle of Jameson and exit the lounge. Michael wasn't the nicest guy around, but he respected giving some their needed space.