[center][color=purple][b]Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams[/b][/color][/center] Upon the entrance of yet another meta, Naomi shuts her eyes and rubs her temple. [i]Don't know why I thought I'd get peace and quiet here,[/i] she muses silently.[color=a187be] "We are all new here, HQ just opened," [/color]Naomi replied disinterestedly, opening her eyes again. [color=a187be]"Does anyone know if I can get a TV moved to my room?"[/color] It was not really something Naomi cared about, but if she could get one there it would be nice. All this luxury, she might as well take advantage of it. The sports announcers were starting to sound annoying so Naomi flicked the channel again, landing on a sitcom. [@RumikoOhara] [@FunnyGuy]