[@RaeoftheLight] Azerus gave Moeasha a bemused smirk, but relaxed and followed suit. The three islanders huddled together at the wishes of the twitchy one. Azerus only added to the mans nerves by eyeballing him continually. Their words couldn't be herd but their tones were clear. The big man was laid back, the woman agressive and the thin guy worried. As Azerus followed Moeasha around the island the mist had began to reform. It circled around them hiding the ocean but leaving vision on the island clear. There was nothing much of note on the island except for a few oversized shells and some tiny coins that fascinated Azerus. While inspecting the plants Moeasha will find vines very simular to those that attacked them only 100th of the size. (If she can work it out) Mean while the woman finally decides she has had enough and with the support of 'twitch', out numbers 'big n carefree' and decides to tell the investigative duo to move on. Azerus lifts his brows and looks to Moeasha. Truth was as much as he tried to cover it he was feeling quite exhausted too, but the stubborn glare in his eyes told her he wouldn't leave without finding out more.