[@RaeoftheLight] [b]"That's enough you little brat!"[/b] the lady yells. Moeasha could be forgiven for thinking it was directed at her, for how was she to know Azerus was making faces at at the lady with a clump of seaweed on his head behind her back. Furious, five tendrils of of hair shoot from the ladies dread locks narrowly missing the pair as Azerus tackles Moeasha out of the way. A second later 'big n laid back' was even bigger then before but not so laid back as he tried to restrain the woman. "[b]Hey, never attacking another wizard, remember?[/b]" says the now small giant. "[b]Are we even sure they are wizards?[/b]" hisses the nervous twitchy man. "[b]I'll get everyone and anyone who wants to tease me![/b]" screams the woman loudly as she struggles with the big mans big arms. From the dirt on the ground Azerus merely looks to Moeasha who landed on him. [i]"I recon you could still see a bright light through this fog"[/i]