[center] [color=fff79a]OPEN || ALWAYS ACCEPTING[/color] [b][h1][u]SPIRIT GUARDIANS[/u][/h1][/b] [h2][color=#5f9f9f]The[/color] [color=aeeeee]Call[/color] Of [color=ee6363]A[/color] [color=#a62a2a]Butterfly[/color][/h2][/center] [img]http://data.hdwallpapers.im/anime_girl_katana_butterfly_temple.jpg[/img] [center]Ghost hunters and exorcisms... Just a bunch of staged mumbojumbo for a quick buck and a spook, right? In truth, there is no method of discerning the real from the fake. Though, what can be said is that haunted locations, posessions, strange happenings, mysterious disappearances, etc. have plagued the realm of the living for centuries. Yet, we live in a world divided on the subject; the believers, often times than not, getting chalked up on the crazy side. Well, whether they know it or not, the crazies actually got it right for once. To be more precise, humans have known for quite some time now. Most have just stopped believing, listening or both. The real question should be: How do we know which ones are the bad spirits? The answer is quite simple; the ones that are trying to kill you... of course. Luckily enough, there is some balance in the world, for every yin there is a yang. There are, unseen, enforcers in the world and we've known about them since the early days of man. Native Americans, shamanistic cultures, and other have shared the belief about butterflies. They are "heavenly messengers" and, should one flutter by, it is asking a person to embrace some kind of change in their life. The person is also being reminded that they are on a long journey of the soul. On this journey they will encounter endless turns, shifts, and conditions that cause them to morph into ever-finer beings. All of this couldn't be any further from the truth, but that's only part of it. [b][i][u]What are guardians?[/u][/i][/b] [img]http://i469.photobucket.com/albums/rr54/Ginger_Snapdragon/PCM%20Features/yokainatsume.jpg[/img] The missing link, that never seems to leak out to the general public, actually lies within the true nature of the butterfly. They are (not ALL butterflies) more complicated beings. They are the unseen enforcers, protectors, the worlds spirit guardians. Though they do not work alone. Each spirit guardian is assigned to a human. Sadly, it takes more than appearing from thin air to start their newfound partnership. Remember the whole "if a butterfly flutters by" part? Well, that's only the first part. It's like a guardians way of yelling at the person saying "HEY YOU HUMAN!! NOTICE ME!!!!". After that, the human must actually acknowledge the butterflies presence as something... more. Some may get a strange feeling or even find something entrancing about it. This is actually the hardest part. Most simply wave the butterfly off as something admirable, cute, and go about their day. Thus, it's not unheard of for a guardian to wait out its intended partners life-span before being assigned a new partner. The next step is, no doubt, the easist. For the special ones, that have heard and answered the call, all they have to do is follow the butterfly. There are no prerequisites for the location, it's usually just a secluded area; whether it be near a lake, in the middle of a forest, abandoned house, etc. After playing a little game of chase, the guardian will reveal itself to its partner. [b][i][u]Soul Link | Class Types | Magic[/u][/i][/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/128719715/original.gif[/img] Everything might be a rush after the guardian has been revealed to you and you may even be ready to hit the streets and bust every evil spirit you see. Just one moment cowboy... You can't play with guns you don't know how to use. Listen closely, [u][b]while in the world of the living there is only one, proper, way to make use of a guardian and its abilities.[/b][/u] That way is through Soul Link. This term couldn't be any more self-explanatory. The guardian will enter your body, as it is the vessel, and your souls will merge. After this is done you will not only adopt the guardians abilities, but also some of its features; resulting in a transformation. Inheritances (appearance-wise) vary. One may find that the transformation is as minor as sprouting wings, growing taller or changing hair color. Another might find that theirs is almost a full-on transformation. Now that you've accomplished a soul link, it would help to know what you can do. First off, every guardian is of a specific Class: [hider= Classes] [b][u]Combat-[/u][/b] Some fighters focus their efforts on finding the biggest, heaviest, most imposing weapon they can find. They want to inflict the maximum damage with their weapon. Others rely on their magic. Guardians of the combat class fight in the most purest of forms, with their body. They are masters in the martial world. These guys have total mastery of their body and don't really have to worry about much armor as it will only slow them down. As a result they are, handsdown, the absolute fastest of the three classes. -When creating a combat class guardian, include their fighting style. This could range from boxing to jiu-jitsu to a player created style [b][u]Weapon-[/u][/b] The combat class makes use of their body, but for these guys their weapon is an extension of the body. As the name implies these are the weapon-wielders of the three classes. These are the truly skilled soldiers, knights, hunters, and artists of war. The champions that push their bodies to the limit. As a result of years of swinging around a huge sword or hunting with a bow, a guardian of the weapon class is granted a boost to their strength (weapon attack damage). They are also capable of pushing their bodies well passed its limits for a brief period of time. -When creating a weapon class, include what weapon they specialize in -I will allow the use of 1 primary weapon and 1 minor secondary (shield, throwing knives, etc) [b][u]Caster-[/u][/b] These shrewd magic-users seek, collect, and covet esoteric knowledge , drawing on cultic arts to work wonders beyond the abilities of the combat or weapon class. Casters prove a cunning and potent lot, capable of smiting their foes or empowering their allies. They are the true embodiment of what it means to be a mage, wizard, witch, etc. As previously mentioned, a guardian of the caster class is capable of performing the highest levels of magic out of the three casters. [color=ed1c24]*NOTES*[/color] -I didn't include any of the negatives because I am trusting you guys make logical deciscions. If a guardian of the combat class is the fastest moving then, while enemy attacks may be easier to dodge, your punches/ kicks won't be as hard hitting | If a wizard is constantly using higher-leveled magic, they will obviously drain their energy quicker | etc. [/hider] Second, each guardian is capable of using magic. Their magic is, somewhat, easily identifiable by the colors of their butterfly: [hider= Magic By Color] [color=00a651]Green-[/color] Plant [color=00aeef]Blue-[/color] Water/ Ice [color=#000000]Black-[/color] Darkness/ Decay White- Light/ Healing [color=fff200]Yellow-[/color] Electricity [color=9e0b0f]Red-[/color] Fire [color=a36209]Brown-[/color] Earth [color=f26522]Orange-[/color] Energy Transparent- Air/ Wind [color=92278f]Purple-[/color] Illusion [color=ed1c24]*NOTES*[/color] -A color that has more than one magic does not grant you access to both magics, unless your butterfly is 100% of that color. Otherwise, they are options and you must chose one or the other. -Just because the magic is associated with a certain color on the butterfly, it doesn't limit the color of the magic. For example; If a guardian had fire magic, their butterfly would be red, but the flames they produce could be black. [/hider] [b][i][u]Welcome To The Institute[/u][/i][/b] [img]http://i834.photobucket.com/albums/zz262/mr-shikaku/other%20stuff/somehouse.jpg[/img] Sacred Hearts Institute is located right off the coast of Kyoto, Japan, on a man-made island. It serves as a base of operations and training facility for people who have contracted with a guardian. To the outside world it is viewed as one of the most prestigious schools one can attend. The island is connected Kyoto by a singular bridge and is quite possibly one of the most difficult places to get to, without authorization. There are guards placed at both ends of the bridge and security patrolling the island. Each guard, of course, has their guardian to protect against otherworldly threats. [hider= How can I get into the institute?] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/xmenmovies/images/f/f3/Cerebro-X2.png/revision/latest?cb=20140607075529[/img] The biggest mystery about the institute has always been how they find their students. Sacred Hearts is not a school that one can apply for. Rather, they find you. Their invitation may come to you in the form of a letter in the mail, in-person or maybe even both. The specifics about how they actually find these special people has never been made clear. Should anybody ask how they were found, the simple answer is that the headmaster has a way of locating abnormal spiritual energy around the world.[/hider] [hider= Notable Locations] [b][u]Reception-[/u][/b] Located in the south wing: This is everybodies first stop upon arrival to the institution. Here you will have your room and classes assigned to you. [b][u]Mystery (mission) Board-[/u][/b] Located in the south wing: Found by the reception, this board is filled with newspaper clippings, magazine articles, and pretty much anything that may hint at the supernatural. Students can take up missions from this board, aside from the ones that are assigned to them. The difference between what's up on the board and the missions that are assigned to you is that the ones on the board are not guaranteed to be real; while the assigned missions are, without a doubt, supernatural events. Meaning it's very possible to investigate something on the board and find that there's really nothing strange going on. [b][u]Central Area-[/u][/b] At the very center of the institute one may find many things of interest, beginning with the cafeteria. It's like a giant stip of anything you would want to eat. Being they have students from across the world, they want everybody to stil have a little taste from home. Literally from sushi stops to greek giros and even candy shops, they've got it all. Then there's the courtyard, everybody is called here if there's ever a need to have everybody at the same place; IE if the headmaster is making an important speech. Other than that, the courtyard is just a giant chill spot for students to eat their lunch, hang out during breaks between classes, etc. Next to the courtyard there's a giant garden complete with mini-lakes, statues, a rosebush maze, and more. [b][u]Boys Dorms-[/u][/b] Located in the west wing [b][u]Garage-[/u][/b] This room is probably the biggest teaser, especially being located next near the boys dorms. It's filled with fancy cars, jets, and helicopters. This is the adults toy room, since the minimum driving age in Japan is sadly eighteen. Minors can still come into this room to admire the collection. They will also come here to board a jet, should there be a mission that is in another part of the world. [b][u]Library-[/u][/b] Located in the north wing, this is probably the largest collection of books in the world. They have, almost, everything from old to new. [b][u]Infirmary-[/u][/b] Located in the north wing. [b][u]Recreational Centre-[/u][/b] Located in the east wing. This where most go to enjoy themselves. They've got movie rooms, gaming rooms, a gym, basketball court, a track, and more. [b][u]The Arena-[/u][/b] This is a giant colosseum-style room. Students come here for classes that help hone their abilities, while soul-linked. It's located outside, directly behind, the school. Should students feel the need to settle their differences, this is the only place they are allowed to do so with the proper supervision. There may also be tournaments held here. [b][u]Girls Dorm-[/u][/b] Located in the east wing. [/hider] [b][u]:CS:[/u][/b] You can edit this however you'd like, so long as you have all the information that's here Name: Age: Gender: Birthplace:(because our characters can come from any part of the world) Normal Appearance: (Anime picture, words, or both) Appearance after Soul Link: Personality: Bio: (Optional) Other: (Anything else you'd like to add, such as, "likes" "dislikes"... hell even throw a theme song in here if you'd like) -Guardian- Name: Appearance: (Butterfly form) Appearance: (True form) Class: Fighting style: (For Combat class only) Weapon: (For Weapon class only) Magic: (Check out "Magic By Color") Personality: [b][u][h1]RULES[/h1][/u][/b] -Everybody play nice: We expect no drama in OOC. If you have any issues take it to PM. If we need to dip our fingers into the issue, to get it resolved, then we will do so in PM. -All the usual stuff: No metagaming, no powergaming, I am the GM and my word is final, blah blah blah. I'm sure you guys have seen these rules everywhere. Listen to both GMs! -[b]HAVE FUN![/b] Most importantly, I want to make sure everybody in enjoying themselves playing here -Posting order: If we are in a scene that requires everybody to be in the same place at the same time, we will wait for everybody to post before moving on (unless somebody has gone missing for several days). If there are people participating in different scenes, then I would ask that you wait until everybody has at least established where they will be. Once everybody is in their respective scene, then you can keep the posting order between the group. To help this run smoothly, I would ask everybody to coordinate with each other. Figure out who wants to play where. -[b]COMMUNICATION:[/b] We are all susceptible to drowning in real life issues, myself included. I just ask that, if you're going to be gone for a while, you give me a heads up. Otherwise, if you just disappear, I'm going to assume that you no longer want to participate in the roleplay and drop your character. If a week goes by without having heard anything, I will try to reach you via pm and we will continue posting without you. If two weeks roll around and I still haven't heard anything, I will send another PM giving you 3 days to at least respond. If I still haven't heard anything within those 3 days, that's when I will start making plans to drop your character. [hider=Returning Players][@sakurasan] [@BlackPanther] [@karamonnom] [@Duthguy] [@howling rabbit] [@Devo] [@RaeoftheLight] [@WeepingLiberty] [@Ojo chan 42] [@Traitor] [@PaulHaynek] [@CrystalApple][/hider] [/center]