[hider=Yu Zhi + Zephyr] Name: Yu Zhi Age: 17 Gender: Male Birthplace: Beijing, China [hider=appearance] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b8/1e/c9/b81ec9d1afd649fdbcf075b73420346b.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] -After Soul Link, Yu’s hair turns a bright yellow. Greenish yellow wings sprout from his shoulders. His outfit changes to the following: http://i18.servimg.com/u/f18/19/24/12/96/anime-10.jpg Personality: Yu Zhi is a class clown from a young age. Outgoing, yet bitingly sarcastic, he has mostly been seen by his peers as love him or hate him (most leaning towards the latter). Unlike many sarcastic individuals, he isn’t exactly cynical perse, but rather takes little to nothing seriously to an almost sociopathic level. He doesn’t take other people seriously, often finding more serious individuals to be painstakingly boring for the most part. He doesn’t take his life seriously, because aside from his Soul Link, he honestly believes he’ll never go anywhere or be anything in life. Psychologically, it’s easy to tell that a lot of this is through a thick shroud of denial, but Yu will never admit that to himself. His outlook on life is largely, “Life sucks and then you die.” Nothing more, nothing less. Because of this, Yu Zhi never attempts to ever give an attempt in anything he does. This makes him come across as brilliant, but lazy, due to the fact that he does definitely have slightly higher than average intelligence; he just doesn’t care to apply it. Because of this, he most closely follows a nihilist lifestyle. Nothing matters, live life til its end, and if reincarnation exists, hope for the best. Bio: (Will be adding in the future.) Other: Yu Zhi’s intelligence puts him as gifted, but since he never uses it except in a pinch, his personality causes him to come across as dimmer than he actually is. He has a dream to become an international DJ. Yu Zhi’s theme- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5YDqLqeABw]Joking Motive[/url] Zephyr’s theme/battle theme- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sahnZAUlc1E ]Risk Everything[/url] ~Guardian~ Name: Zephyr Appearance (Butterfly): With a monarch like design, Zephyr’s main body and wings are yellow with a transparent trim. [hider=true form] [IMG]http://40.media.tumblr.com/f85692b27635b1b731ab61a11e7989d3/tumblr_nk508iD8iL1rie4kjo1_400.png[/IMG] [/hider] Class: Caster Magic: 50/50 electric/wind split. As a caster class, Zephyr (and Yu Zhi's abilities) are largely focused on long rang fighting. At this point in time, only very simple tricks are in the two's repertoire. This includes the following: -Lightning Bolt- A simple electric spell that casts one lightning bolt towards opponents. They are currently working on using two at a time. It's a work in progress. -Lightning Shield- A small shield of electricity that can be generated directly in front of the user. As of yet, it does not offer 360 degree protection and could use a lot of work to be viable more than just situationally. -Knock Out the Lights- Not a move perse, but very occasionally Yu Zhi will ask to Soul Link with Zephyr to cause the electricity to go out for a few moments. Knock Out the Lights currently has no combat use. -Wind Blade- A cutting wind like spell that sends a small blade of wind towards the opponent. Like Lightning Bolt, Yu Zhi and Zephyr are trying to learn to send two of these at once in the future. -Spring Breeze- Despite having wings in Soul Link form, this is the major way that Soul Link'd Yu Zhi can fly. Letting wind form around them and "gliding" with it, it ultimately could be considered more of a long jump than actual flight. Personality: In contrast to Yu Zhi, Zephyr is a serious, almost majestic soul. The serious benefactor to Yu Zhi’s sarcastic and comical nature, Zephyr often acts as more than just a Guardian, but as a being that keeps Yu Zhi in line. Despite this, Zephyr will listen to Yu Zhi’s commands in battle, believing that beneath Yu Zhi’s mood is a decent strategist. [/hider]