[hider=Aaron Bachmeier] [center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/e919a728a84949358132f8aba4998b2e/tumblr_n7d8u7BhC31ter9fpo1_1280.jpg[/img] [b]Aaron Bachmeier | 17 | Male | Germany[/b] [b]Normal Appearance[/b] He stands at a staggering 6'6" and weighs roughly 165lbs. His eyes are a dull greyish that can appear either blue or green in certain lights. [b]Appearance After Soul Link[/b] [b]Personality[/b] Growing up deaf made a quiet soul out of Aaron, an observer who preferred the edge of the room. He kept to himself, keeping few friends and largely valuing his time alone; of course, he was not without his friendliness. A scholarly boy and taking particular interest in medicine, he cares for (and finds fascination in) the well-being of those around him. His anger and upset are set to an eternal slow burn, tending to take to the cold-shoulder, going so far as to remove his hearing aides around those who’ve angered him. However, Aaron has a forgiving soul; he can’t stay angry for long. [b]Bio[/b] Aaron was born deaf to a single mother in Munich, Germany. A scholarly boy from a young age, Aaron filled his silent world with books. He taught himself languages, theories, techniques and principles; he took a particular interest in medicine and home remedies, and filled his bookshelves with anatomy and medical journals, setting his sights on becoming a surgeon. Of course, books alone could not sate the boy’s appetite for knowledge: so, when the opportunity arose to learn to play music, the deaf boy jumped at the opportunity. He’d started with a schoolteacher on piano; she reasoned that each key made the same sound whenever it was pressed, therefore he did not need to know the sound, but rather the key to make it. Aaron took to piano immediately, enjoying the fluid, rhythmic movement. He learned to read and write music and became somewhat of a prodigy, becoming a skilled pianist at the age of ten. From there, he took on a harder project: violin. It was more difficult to learn, but after marking the fingerboard with the exact points to press the strings for a note to sound proper, he learned quickly. From there he went to cello and he eventually played in a youth orchestra, skillfully playing his part without ever being able to hear it. To this day, he delights in music more than anything else. He’s been known to blast classical music to the point where he can feel the vibrations in the floor, or tap absently at a piano should he have one available. [b]Other[/b] Aaron can read and speak German, uses sign language as a main way to communicate with those who know it, and writing with those who don’t. He can also read and write English and French. His guardian acts as his ears and his translator. More on this IC. -Guardian- [b]Mitchell | Combat | Black[/b] [b]Butterfly Form[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://img0.etsystatic.com/002/0/5722417/il_fullxfull.375310674_rc1n.jpg[/img][/hider] Mitchell’s butterfly form looks like a charred and burned owl butterfly, though the only remaining resemblance to the owl is the vague shape of the wings. The pattern has been burned away and the wings look as if they are made from thin layers of ash, shimmering in the sunlight like charcoal. These wings look as if they’d break at the slightest touch, with tattered edges and cracks; occasionally, a small piece will chip off in flight. [hider=Flight Example (disregard colour)][img]http://i1363.photobucket.com/albums/r715/Sayikax19/tumblr_mkvy04PvSW1s1mwbso1_500_zpsfe538d4c.gif[/img][/hider] [b]True Form:[/b] Mitchell’s true form is of a yokai called an Enenra. He is a being made entirely of black smoke, which perpetually curls and moves, its movement resembling the smoke on a blown-out candle, or possibly steam. The smoke, however, moves much more slowly than real smoke and trails in the wake of his every movement, dissipating as it goes. The smoke concentrates into the upper body of a [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8f1oxk5wu1r5n34uo1_1280.jpg]young man[/url] with pointed features, his skin pitch black and eyes like burning embers. His skin has a near-shimmering quality, resembling his butterfly form’s wings or charcoal in the sun. His hair is the same shimmering, pitch black as the rest of him and its length constantly changes. It tends to average out at roughly eye-level-length, and always floats around him as if underwater. His movements are trailed in smoke, and he travels by dissipating in one place and rematerializing in another. One interesting thing is that he can take any appearance he wants; this smokey form is his natural and preferred form. [hider=Examples of movement, as depicted by Eris, the Goddess of Discord <3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JvtTYB8.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/210b9943159035168f106e2657369dd9/tumblr_inline_nzuh4j8WU91svk4hv_500.gif[/img][img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/32a7644a98ae6ed72a576bc0d412d3b0/tumblr_nu6ve60xwJ1uokhmao2_250.gif[/img][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbnf60S4nj1r966th.gif[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34900000/Eris-and-sinbad-sinbad-legend-of-the-seven-seas-34995956-245-163.gif[/img][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/6e8cd1de0dad556c3cabee019805df14/tumblr_nfqnvd2htq1t0igjoo9_400.gif[/img][img]https://animatedmeta.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/tumblr_mrs9ebtkxl1qiq8aao3_2501.gif[/img] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/c8bd2bab7fd9ef040d19167f96351ce0/tumblr_nu6ve60xwJ1uokhmao1_500.gif[/img][/hider] [b]Fighting Style[/b] In combat, Mitchell takes almost complete control over Aaron, resulting in a now-tangible form of Mitchell that greatly resembles his true form with one blue eye. He uses his method of dissipating and rematerializing to confuse the opponent, sometimes taking the form of someone the opponent knows (and wouldn’t want to hurt), extinguishing lights, or materializing somewhere, only to dissipate into a cloud of smoke when struck. He will normally do this until the target is tired and confused without ever swinging at them. He also uses his affinity for decay to make the opponent feel weak, and uses darkness to further confuse and scare the opponent. TL;DR Mitchell uses psychological warfare and evasion to confuse, tire and freak his opponent out before ever striking them. When he does strike, it is quick, pointed jabs, solidifying for the instant of impact and dissipating, only to attack again from another angle. He’s been known to pull people’s legs out from under them, grab hold of their weapon or straight-up snap a neck. [hider=More Eris examples, this time of transformation] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/0900fbbcce334c1155ae4181dc01abe4/tumblr_nixev5GgMx1u8mcj6o4_500.gif[/img] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/adf36fb124678ef420b4af4d6ed125d8/tumblr_inline_mt124ujMch1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_matjxnXOME1r6e43yo1_250.gif[/img] [/hider] [b]Weapon[/b] His body and some magic. [b]Magic[/b] Black magic (Darkness and Decay) - Darkness: Mitchell can use darkness to trick and confuse the enemy. He can make one person perceive a dark room or, with added concentration and effort, actually banish the light from a room. With this power comes a mild control of illusion, nothing more than a few fleeting shapes in the dark; like movement in the corner of your eye that, when you turn toward it, is nothing. These illusions resemble the shapes people’s brains create in darkness while trying to discern patterns, often when they are stressed or afraid. Of course, darkness is not always evil. He can use it kindly to grant sleep to insomniacs or create a dark, quiet place to calm down; even to play a harmless prank on someone. - Decay: Mitchell uses “Decay” to weaken enemies. He can make them feel drained and disoriented, as if they’d fallen ill or gone a long while without sleep. He can cause plants to wither and die when he passes through them, but is not powerful enough to do lasting, permanent damage to animals or humans. [b]Personality[/b] Mitchell is very opposite to his charge in a number of ways. He is bitter, cynical and nihilistic to a fault, jaded and judgemental. He does have mischievous tendencies, greatly enjoying annoying and tricking people, and taking revenge on his enemies. He can be brooding at times, and his dismissive, yet also protective and melancholy attitude toward his charge hints that there may have been a time when his heart was lighter, his soul not charred and burned.[/center][/hider]