[hider= Reina Lane] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Msa1Y6v.png[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]Name:[/b][/color] Reina Lane [color=ed1c24][b]Age:[/b][/color] 17 [color=ed1c24][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=ed1c24][b]Birthplace:[/b][/color] Toronto, Canada [color=ed1c24][b]Normal Appearance:[/b][/color] Reina is a little taller than average for a woman, standing at 5'7" (170 cm). She looks somewhat delicate at first glance in part thanks to her gentle, quiet demeanor, but has an impressively athletic build due to her active lifestyle. Her slim, lightly-toned body hides a respectable amount of strength and an impressive amount of stamina. She has green eyes that chronically look tired and dull, and jet-black hair, both (apparently) inherited from her birth mother. Her pale skin contrasts greatly with her dark hair, and does nothing to hide Reina's blushes -- which happen far more often than she'd like. [color=ed1c24][b]Appearance after Soul Link:[/b][/color] Her outfit becomes the one pictured, her hair becomes a pure white, and her eyes a vibrant red. [hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/EQn9yir.png[/img][/hider] [color=ed1c24][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Reina is ruled by her inferiority complex that developed during her childhood. She never asks for help from anyone, not wanting to bother others and have them 'waste their time on her,' as she believes, leading her to be very independent and mature -- at least from an outside perspective. She already has years of experience caring for herself and can easily manage living on her own. Cooking, cleaning, working, and the like are all the norm for her, and have been since forever. While she won't ever ask for help, one would be hard-pressed to find her at a time when she's not assisting someone else. Helping others, whom she almost always views as superior to herself, is where she finds all her happiness in life. While it may be irrational, she truly believes she can never amount to anything -- still being a kind person by nature, however, means the logical thing for her to do is to dedicate herself to furthering everyone around her and doing all she can to make sure they reach their far greater potential. There is no real limit to this trait -- she is very self-sacrificial and won't hesitate to put herself at risk, not particularly fearing death, other than the fact that she'd no longer be able to help those around her. This way of living, along with her independence, makes her act much like a mother-figure to those around her -- especially her younger peers, but even also those older than her. She enjoys this self-imposed role, as it helps fill the void she has from never having had a parental-figure of her own. As a result of this, she's very easy to manipulate, being too trusting. It's not a very healthy way to live, but it's been working for her so far. Though, while she does all she can to convince herself she's happy, she definitely occasionally feels like she's on the edge of breaking down. All-in-all, Reina is reserved, in the sense that she will never talk about herself or her problems. At the same time, though, she loves being around others. Sweet-natured, soft-spoken, and calm, she tends to put people at ease, helped by the fact that she's always willing to help in anyway she can. Her expressions lean on the subtler side, but the gentle smile she wears in the company of others is as reassuring as any other. Despite all this, it's not exactly impossible to tell that Reina hides plenty of sadness, most noticeable through her dull eyes. [color=ed1c24][b]Bio:[/b][/color] One doesn't have to dig all too deep into Reina's past to begin understanding why she acts as she does. Her mother and father were both only 15 when she was born, and with no way to care for her, they gave her up to her mother's older sister and her husband. Reina's aunt and uncle were certainly not the best people, treating Reina as little more than a slave over the course of her life. They didn't do anything particularly atrocious like beat her or the like, but the girl was never given a bed to sleep in, and was forced to do all of the housework -- along with plenty of verbal abuse, the root of her inferiority complex. It would have been very easy for Reina to become cynical and hateful towards people due to her guardians, but school saved her from that fate. Escaping any mistreatment from her peers due to her likable personality, she found that helping those she deemed as good people made her happy. She knew that many people used her because she was helpful, but she didn't mind. It didn't take long for her to become extremely empathetic due to listening to other's issues, enough so that she even began to believe that her aunt and uncle likely had a reason for the way they treated her. Probably not a great one, but a reason nonetheless. So fully began her way of life, where she convinced herself she was happy with her situation and role. She began to prepare herself to enter into an emergency response career, thinking that that would be the best place for her to assist people, completely okay with the physical and mental risks that come with such a job -- after all, she didn't matter all that much. Eventually, on an ordinary day when she was returning home late, having stayed behind at school to give the hockey team a hand, she saw the butterfly, dismissing it for a moment before realizing she had seen it before, years ago. Suddenly entranced by it's bright wings, she followed it, meeting Reaper by a frozen pond in a small, empty park. Shifting her goal from becoming an emergency responder to dedicating her life to protecting the world from evil spirits, she doubled her self-training. Soon enough, she got an invitation to Sacred Hearts Institute, completely taking her by surprise. She accepted, of course, wanting to become as strong as she can to do her job as effectively as possible. [color=ed1c24][b]Other:[/b][/color] Reina suffers from chronic insomnia, not sleeping nearly as much as she should. When she does sleep, she willingly does so on the floor, right next to her bed. [i]Character Theme:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXA7DAVnRew&ab_channel=SoniaLewis]Honeythief[/url] [i]Battle Theme:[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rzjD2ImpCM&ab_channel=GikaaZ]furioso melodia[/url] [color=ed1c24][b][h3]Reaper[/h3][/b][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Nfy2nNq.png[/img] [color=ed1c24][b]Appearance (Butterfly):[/b][/color] Blue body and yellow wings. [color=ed1c24][b]Class:[/b][/color] Weapon [color=ed1c24][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Scythe [hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/zupWrk2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b]Magic:[/b][/color] 50/50 split between [color=00aeef]Ice[/color] and [color=fff200]Electricty[/color], both taking on a black colouring (or greyish in her ice's case, due to it being translucent) With access to Reaper's ice magic, Reina can cool down her immediate surroundings to a small degree. The closer she is to physically touching anything, the faster it'll get cold, and the colder it will get. The effect isn't strong enough to be very useful in a fight yet, as all it can really accomplish is making her opponent uncomfortable, provided they don't enjoy the cold. It's best use right now is actually to cool herself off -- she finds the cold calms her down and helps her focus. With electricity magic, Reina can charge her scythe (which also acts as a conductor) to give it's swings a little something extra -- even near-misses can do damage thanks to arcs of electricty hitting her target, and direct hits will sting, to say the least. Along with electrifying her weapon, Reina is beginning to learn how to use the magic to manipulate metal through electromagnetism. It's something she's just discovered she can do, so the extent of it's capabilities for now is pulling and pushing smaller pieces of metal to and from herself. [color=ed1c24][b]Personality:[/b][/color] The Guardian is of even fewer words than Reina. In fact, he very, very rarely says anything at all. Which makes him come off as quite creepy, always hovering near Reina, motionlessly, watching over her. It took Reina herself a while to get over it (simply put, waking up nightly to see his figure in the corner of her room did nothing to help her insomnia), so she often requests him to conceal himself, not wanting to cause distress to anyone around her. Despite his creep-factor and demonic appearance, Reaper is a good being -- or at least, probably is. It's a bit hard to tell, as he's completely, utterly obedient to Reina, only acting upon her request. And as she only ever asks him to do good, that's what he does. [/center] [/hider]