There you guys go~ its a bit hard for me to explain my magic so tell me if that's the xase~ [hr] Illusion~ He can create an illusion to make someone believe that they are being killed over and over. At first, it starts off like a sudden gunshot. Bringing them back and making them wonder how they're still alive. After a while, if he manages, he can do it over and over to make them believe that they are dying over and over. This can ultimately lead to insanity. However, right now this power is still a learning progress so his power is a bit see through. The pain isn't all that strong but they [i]can[/i] see the cause of their death. Well, for now at least. Decay~ The user of this ability can ultimately make body parts of others erode either into nothingness leaving rotted or dry flesh and bone left. By choking the victim and he will slowly become paralyzed. The most it does is cause them to rot and pass out for about 1 hour for now. A black smoke takes over his hand. He is still learning how to erode them to their most potential.