[hider=Risa Watanabe] Name: Risa Watanabe Age: 15 Gender: Female Birthplace: Osaka, Japan [hider=Appearances] Normal Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/55/46/725546130f0bae1a1b029e80d13cfe4c.jpg[/img] Risa has brown eyes. She is only 5"0 and weighs about 100 lbs. Appearance after Soul Link: Her hair turns a brighter orange and her eyes turn golden. She also gains large orange wings, tiger ears and a tail. [/hider] Personality: Risa is a bright, cheerful girl who never seems to run out of energy. She is often seen smiling and likes to be around people. She does her best to brighten up the day of the people around her. She can appear childish and immature to others and doesn't notice when people dislike her unless they tell it straight to her face. Other: She is obsessed with sweets as one could probably expect. She adores everything cute. -Guardian- Name: Kyoya [s]But Risa calls him Kitty[/s] [hider=Appearances] Appearance: (Butterfly form) [img]http://waynesword.palomar.edu/images/tiger1b.jpg[/img] Appearance: [img]http://static.zerochan.net/Arcanine.full.51846.jpg[/img] [/hider] Spirit Color: Orange (Energy) Class: Combat Fighting style: Kung Fu (would it be too redundant if I said Tiger Style Kung Fu?) He uses energy manipulation to focus energy to different parts of his body to strengthen his attack or help with his defense. Personality: Kyoya is very serious and patient, which he has to be when he is watching over Risa. He does not lose his temper easily but is very protective of Risa though she would say that he was grumpy and naggy. [/hider]