[center][color=ed1c24][b]Visi-Play AKA Miles Bronson[/b][/color][/center] Dammit! the moment he was about to get his night started in comfort, the alarm goes off. A sigh sounded but the look of irritation went to alert when he was needed as back up for Tia and whoever else was with her. With a serious look, he turned to leave the compound again and hitch a ride with one of the emergency personnel towards the area so to join the fray. In the back of Miles' mind he knew he should've stayed out longer just in case but there was no time to think about that. His only concern was the safety of his teammates and what they were dealing with since he noticed that a few others will join to help in this. -------- After cutting a few corners and taking quick routes, Visi-Play came to the scene to notice Tia was out and one of the other members were by her side. Two other heroes were fighting at the moment and seeing Tia covered, Miles went towards the danger to provide backup. With his eyes lighting up, he came close enough until another smaller stone statue came from a side street to which, gave Miles the urge to attack. He knew they weren't allowed to kill but he figured these were not living beings as the first optic blast caused an explosion of the statue's head and then a piecing through it's chest as it fell to the ground crumbling. After taking care of that, He rushed [color=ed1c24]Guys, sorry for the delay, do you have a set strategy on stopping that thing? If you and the others are going to handle the big one, I can provide cover against any more of the smaller ones to keep them off your back. If there are more smaller ones...[/color] Miles said [@Blop][@Dark Light]