[@dragonslayer1][@KatherinWinter][@Queentze] [color=gray]"Then it's settled."[/color] Jocelyn nodded in agreement with them. Good to have some company upon this endeavor, but she wondered how the few would fare when faced with denizens of the long forgotten abyss. Facing monsters, that in itself was simple as they were physical beings, flesh and blood. A ghost....it would be different to say the least, and not necessarily easy. [color=gray]"I will need to gather a few things from my quarters before we disembark. I suggest you three prepare as well."[/color] Three she said as another had apparently joined their hunting party...or two since it seemed the other necromancer was backing out. Impatient he must've been and yearning to head out. Jocelyn smirked. [color=gray]"Are you sure you do not wish to join us, boy? We could use your...talent in dispatching of the restless dead."[/color]