[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=55&t=Drifter&c=FF99FF[/img] [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [url=http://rs798.pbsrc.com/albums/yy264/animetron/Anime%20PNG%20Pictures%202ND/MakinamiIllustriousMari-3.png?w=480&h=480&fit=clip]WILD GIRL[/url][/center] Jessica's comms band chirped for attention and held a desperate sounding message just before Brian popped over to tell her and Mike about it. [color=Tomato]" Sorry to cut you short Stud but duty calls and all that"[/color] said Jess to Mike blowing him a kiss [color=Tomato]"Later Mike"[/color] She giggled as she used the alert to do her version of running in the halls by flying at least 35 kph towards her room. Once she steps trough the door to her quarters her pinks pop into the air and fly over to greet their mistress as she straps off all but her black mini boxers. She steps into the floating suit with practiced ease and is sealed up in less than 12 seconds. She then simply assumes a horizontal flight pose before accelerating out of her rooms open window. [center][H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color] COMMS ON[/H2] [color=Tomato]"This is Drifter in flight requesting flight control Responding to support request"[/color] says in a calm and gently accented voice [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [/center] Jessie uses every erg of magnetic force she can gather to fly overtly towards Tia and the emergency site her magnetic field visible on radar and warping the air around her like heat waves. Soon she has been directed into a high guard position above the battle field where she begins a survey and preps a report in her mind.