[center][color=purple][b]Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams[/b][/color][/center] With the arrival of more fighters, Naomi felt they stood a chance against the stone onslaught. Feeling her energy gaining again, Naomi teleported back into the heat of battle. She flung a concentrated matter blast in an arc, slicing the head clean off a statue. She then punched dark matter in a flurry of fists right through the statues chest, leaving holes gaping everywhere. She dodged backwards and teleported down the ground, watching as the statue she had been fighting began to crack and shatter. She turned to find a new enemy when she felt herself punted through the air. She slammed into the side of a building and spit out the blood that had collected in her mouth. Wincing at the feeling of a broken rib, Naomi forced herself to stand and face the statue that targeted her. [color=a187be]"Alright. Let's play kickball."[/color] Naomi teleported up, then created a large ball of dark matter and kicked her foot at it, sending it flying at the statues legs. The legs disintegrated with the force, and the statue fell hard to the ground, crumbling as it impacted. She teleported to the edge of the battle field, clutching her side. She could see the large blue and black mottled bruise, and felt the area. She yelped in pain at the touch, knowing there was at least two broken ribs, maybe more. Fearing internal damage Naomi sent out through her commlink [color=a187be]"Black Cheshire could use some medical attention."[/color]