Things had escalated pretty quickly. Before they knew it, most of the group was together once again, but this time with who Frida believed was a couple of new additions as well. She fell silent for a while, just listening to the others speak among themselves for a time. She looked over at Mellios when he spoke to her and Pyro. She rubbed the back of her neck and giggled sheepishly, [color=00aeef]"I wouldn't say that I'm strong. Just... stubborn?"[/color] She definitely didn't agree with being lucky like Pyro said he was, but she definitely agreed that she didn't see herself as strong either. She just really didn't have much of happy thoughts towards the Grimers or Muks at all. That was all. She looked over at Xiphias for a moment. If it wasn't for her, she thought that they would all be doomed for sure. She didn't say anything however, instead turning to see that Twix and Elvina had returned. That was everyone, right? She assumed it was.