[@Dark Light] The three wizards on the island had a larger boat, so Moeasha moved them there, then turned to Azerus, glad to see he was growing back to normal size. [color=7ea7d8]"Who requested the mission? These three should be brought to that person. They can do what they will in retribution, and we can get our reward!"[/color] Once everyone gathered in the boat, Moeasha used the water to push them towards the mainland again, not wanting to use oars again. [color=7ea7d8]"I suggest we avoid the villagers. They were quite furious when I was here earlier, and I was forced to leave or face a fight with them. And I know fighting non-magic users is not looked kindly upon by the magic council."[/color] The boat drifted to the shore a little away from the village. Where they were, they wouldn't be easily seen by any villagers.